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Vital Statistics / Basic Demographic Indicators / Life Tables . Year 2022 22 November 2023

Births fell by 2.4% during 2022 and the average number of children per woman fell to 1.16. The number of deaths increased by 3.0% compared to the previous year. The natural population growth of the resident population presented a negative balance of 133,250 people. Marriages increased by 20.5% compared to 2021.

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Deaths occurred in Spain. - Year 2022
Indicator Note Value Variation
Total deaths 464,417 3.03
Men 234,362 1.28
Women 230,055 4.89
  • Variación respecto al mismo período del año anterior
Latest data
Year 2022 Published: 22/11/2023

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Did you know...?

Death Statistics have been prepared since 1858 and constitute one of the most traditional works in the INE. It collects data on deaths occurring in Spain, as well as the socio-demographic characteristics of the deceased.

It is carried out in collaboration with the Autonomous Communities. Data is collected through the so-called Medical Death Certificate/Statistical Death Bulletin>. This document is filled out by the doctor, who certifies the death in the section related to personal data and cause of death. The Civil Registry in which the death is registered fills out the data related to the registration and the declarant or the relatives, fill out the data related to residence, nationality and profession of the deceased. In the case of deaths occurring in special circumstances and in which a court is involved, the information is filled out by the court.