Note | Name/Surname most frequent |
Number of persons |
Reference date |
Women resident in Spain | 1 | María Carmen | 630,253 | 01/01/2023 | |
Men resident in Spain | 1 | Antonio | 614,853 | 01/01/2023 | |
Newborn girls | 2 | Lucía | 3,076 | 2023 | |
Newborn boys | 2 | Hugo | 3,126 | 2023 | |
All residents in Spain | 1.3 | García | 1,449,474 | 01/01/2023 | |
Latest data
Year 2023 Published: 16/05/2024 and 20/11/2024
Did you know...?
This section contains the most frequent names and surnames of people who are currently resident in Spain, as well as the most frequent names of newborns in the last 15 years. In the first case, the source used to obtain the data is the Population Census referred to 1 January of each year, and the results can be consulted in Excel table format or through the applications designed for this purpose. In the second case, the data comes from the Birth Statistics and is obtained from the information collected in the Statistical Birth Bulletin; Excel tables are included with the most frequent names recorded in the Civil Registry: the 100 most frequent names for the national total and 10 most frequent names for Autonomous Communities.