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Statistics of Spaniards Residing Abroad (RSRA). 01 January 2024 19 March 2024

The Spanish population residing abroad increased 4.2% in 2023 and reached 2,908,649 as of 01 January 2024. Mexico, United States and France are the countries that have registered the largest increase in population of Spanish nationality. In 2023, three out of four new entries in the RSRA corresponded to persons born outside Spain.

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Register of Spaniards Resident Abroad - 01/01/2024
Indicator Note Value Annual change
Total 2,908,649 4.2
Europe 1 1,095,524 4.1
Africa 31,115 4.8
America 1,707,606 4.2
Asia 47,739 7.9
Oceania 26,665 2.8
  • Spain excluded
Latest data
01/01/2024 Published: 19/03/2024
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Did you know...?

The Register of Spaniards Resident Abroad Statistic is obtained from the statistical exploitation of the central file of the Register of Spaniards residing abroad (PERE), which contains the inscriptions of people who enjoy Spanish nationality and they usually live outside of Spain, whether or not this is their only nationality. The PERE is formed with the existing data in the Registration of Registration of each Career Consular Office or Consular Section of the Diplomatic Missions.

This statistic allows obtaining the distribution of registered people and new registrations, at a reference date, according to country of residence, province and municipality of registration for electoral purposes, sex, date and place of birth.