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Wage Structure Survey. Flash estimate Year 2022

The average annual salary was 26,948.87 euros per worker in 2022, 4.1% higher than the previous year. That for women was 24,359.82 euros and that for men was 29,381.84. The annual salary of Directors and managers (59,478.63 euros) was 120.7% higher than the average. That of unskilled workers in services was 14,665.40 euros, 45.6% lower than the average. University graduates received an annual salary of 44,672.13 euros, 65.8% higher than the average salary. For its part, that of workers with less than a primary degree was 17,333.57 euros, 35.7% lower than the average.

Average annual earnings per worker - Avance 2022
Indicator Note Value Variation
TOTAL 26,948.87 4.07
Women 24,359.82 5.12
Men 29,381.84 3.50
  • Valor: euros. Variación: porcentaje sobre el año anterior
Latest data
Year 2022 Published: 20/06/2024
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Did you know...?

The Wage Structure Survey comprise two operations, one with a four-year periodicity and another annually, which complements the results of the first for the years in which this is not carried out.

The Cuatrienial Wage Structure Survey is a statistical operation carried out since 1995 within the framework of the European Union with common criteria of methodology and content, in order to obtain comparable results on the structure and distribution of wages among its Member States. The survey investigates the distribution of wages based on a wide variety of variables such as sex, occupation, branch of activity, seniority, or company size.

The Annal Wage Structure Survey has been carried out since 2004 providing estimates of gross annual earnings per worker classified by type of working day, sex, economic activity and occupation. As the annual survey is not carried out in the years in which the quadrennial survey is carried out, to facilitate the publication of time series, since 2006 the information for these years is completed by incorporating the same tables that are prepared for the rest of years using the information from of the quadrennial survey.

In both surveys, the information is obtained from the joint exploitation of files from the Social Security (SS) and the Tax Agency, together with the use of a specific questionnaire.