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International Trade in Services by Mode of Supply (MoS). Year 2023. Provisional data 31 January 2025

Cross-border supply of services (provided from Spain to a third country, or vice versa) represented most of the exports (54.9%) and imports (76.2%) of services in 2023.

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Comercio Internacional de Servicios por Modos de Suministro (MoS) - Year 2023
Indicator Note Modo 1 Modo 2 Modo 4 Total (M1+M2+M4)
Imports and contracting of services 84,446.4 24,366.1 2,075.8 110,888.3
Provision of services and exports 109,337.5 86,225.3 3,738.9 199,301.7
  • Valor en millones de euros
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Year 2023 Published: 31/01/2025
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Did you know...?

The International Trade of Services by Mode of Supply (MoS) is a structural statistic analysed and summarised annually which takes a global perspective to make an estimate of the value of international trade in services supplied by the four modes recognised by the General Agreement on Trade of Services (GATS) of the World Trade Organisation (WTO): Mode1 (M1): Cross border supply; Mode2 (M2): Consumption abroad (or in Spain); Mode3 (M3): Commercial presence; and Mode4 (M4): Presence of natural persons.

This statistic provides a broad vision of the international trade of service as it includes the four modes of supply recognised by the WTO. In this way, a differentiation is provided between service transactions between residents and non-residents (M1, M2 and M4) included in the Balance of Payments statistics, and service transactions between residents through commercial presence (M3), included in the Foreign Subsidiary statistics.

In addition, MoS also includes estimates of distribution services supplied by wholesalers and retailers of international trade in goods using M1 and M3.