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Conviction Statistics: Adults / Minors. Year 2022 25 September 2023

Adults convicted by final judgement increased by 9.4% in 2022 and that of minors grew by 3.2% The most frequent offences of adults were related to road safety (25.2% of the total), theft (17.1%) and injuries (13.6%).

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Convicted by final judgement - Year 2022
Indicator Note Value Annual change
Total convicted adults 308,624 9.4
Men 249,861 9.7
Women 58,763 8.0
Total Convicted sex offenders 3,201 0.2
  • Refers to persons aged 18 years and older
    In July 2015, a reform of the Criminal Code came into force, abolishing misdemeanours and turning them into minor offences, so the increase in the number of convicted persons is partly due to the inclusion of these new offences. This fact must be taken into account when interpreting temporal variations in the data.
    Note on the comparability of year-on-year results
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Year 2022 Published: 25/09/2023
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Conviction Statistics: Adults are compiled by the INE using information existing in the Central Register of Convicted Persons, governed by the Ministry of Justice. The data treatment of both registers has been performed by virtue of the Partnership Agreement subscribed between the two institutions on 2007, updated and renewed on November 21, 2017.

The primary objective of this statistics is the socio-demographic feagures analysis of adult persons who have been conducted by final judgement thourghout the reference period. This also provides information regarding the crimes committed by the persons convicted, as well as the punishments imposed. Since 2017, more detailed information on sexual offences is also offered.