3807Financial Accounts of the Spanish Economy. Annual Series. ESA/95 system

Shown in the Royal Decree of the Plan 2001-2004
Has continued to be valid in this Plan
Has changed name during the course of this Plan

Yes, via the Annual Programme 2001, new name: Cuentas Financieras de la Economía Española. Serie Trimestral (que incluye totales anuales). Sistema SEC/95

Annual Programme 2001
3807 Cuentas Financieras de la Economía Española. Serie Trimestral (que incluye totales anuales). Sistema SEC/95
Annual Programme 2002
3807 Financial Accounts of the Spanish Economy. Quarterly Series (which includes annual totals). SEC/95 System
Annual Programme 2003
3807 Financial Accounts of the Spanish Economy. Quarterly Series (which includes annual totals). SEC/95 System
Annual Programme 2004
3807 Financial Accounts of the Spanish Economy. Quarterly Series (which includes annual totals). SEC/95 System
Formed by statistical operations in the ISO

Plan sheet