5834Personal del Ministerio de Defensa

Shown in the Royal Decree of the Plan 2009-2012
No, registered via the Annual Programme 2012
Has continued to be valid in this Plan
Has changed name during the course of this Plan
Annual Programme 2009
Annual Programme 2010
Annual Programme 2011
Annual Programme 2012
5834 Personal del Ministerio de Defensa
Formed by statistical operations in the ISO

NOTA: En los programas anuales 2009, 2010 y 2011 las operaciones 76002, 76003, 76044 y 76045 figuraron con los códigos 5805, 5806, 5803 y 5804, respectivamente. En el programa anual 2011 la operación 76050 figuró con el código 5833

Plan sheet