29138Inversión Extranjera en Valores Negociables Españoles (Flujos)

Department responsible
Ministry of Economic Affairs and Competitiveness - State Secretariat for Trade 
Executing unit
DG for International Trade and Investments - S.D.G for International Trade and Investments
Participation of other institutions
Type of operation
Real statistics with results grouped in tables
Sector or subject
Economic accounts
Subsector or subsubject
Foreign sector and balance of payments
Breakdown level
Methodology of data collection methodology
Obtaining by means of complete list of original administrative data
Form of data collection
Transcription of administrative document, regardless of how it is filled in
Overall objective
Información sobre compras/suscripciones y ventas/reembolsos de valores negociables emitidos en España, efectuadas por no residentes
Study variables
Compras y ventas de valores negociables por no residentes (excluyendo deuda y derivados): acciones, fondos de inversión
Classification variables
Emisores, clase de inversor, país de procedencia, sector de actividad
Type of dissemination
Periodicity of dissemination
Periodicity of data collection
Type of operation
Entidades residentes depositarias del valor negociable
Administrative sources
Registro de Inversiones Exteriores
Dictated by the High Council on Statistics
No aplicable
These are European statistics, according to European Parliament and Council Regulation (EC) no. 223/2009

History sheet