3245Tourist expenditure survey (EGATUR)

Institutions that intervene
ME, INE, Bank of Spain
Works that will be carried out in the year 2004
  • Estimated expenditure by foreign visitors, as well as those resident in Spain travelling abroad, through different means of arrival and departure.
  • Collection of the information for the previous month in each month of year 2004.
  • Recording, filtering and processing of the survey and analysis of the data for the last 15 days of the reference month.
  • Quarterly report two months after the reference period. Can be published on the website.
  • Dissemination and publication on paper and on the website (www.iet.tourspain.es) of the annual report for 2003 in April 2004.
Budgetary credits necessary for its finance in the year 2004  (in thousands euros)

(1,113.27 thousand euros from the Treasury budget and 120.45 thousand euros from the INE budget)

Plan sheet      Plan incidences sheet