4651Statistical Use of the Infrastructure and Local Equipment Database (SILE)

Institutions that intervene
MAP, provincial, municipal councils and insular councils, uniprovincial autonomous communities and Generalidad de Cataluña. País Vasco and Navarra did not undertake the survey.
Works that will be carried out in the year 2007
  • By entities elaborating the EIEL: Correction of possible problems to validate the EIEL 2005-2006. Development of geographical information systems. Works to digitalise the EIEL cartography. Search for methods that enable continuous update as of 2008.
  • By MAP: Analysis of surveys for the period 2005-2006. Fieldwork checks. Preparation of statistical data for EIEL to be consulted on the MAP website.
Budgetary credits necessary for its finance in the year 2007  (in thousands euros)


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