5029Agro-fishing Product Supply Balances

Institutions that intervene
Works that will be carried out in the year 2009
Compilation of provisional balances for total wine, quality wine produced in specific regions (vcprd) and table wines for the 2008/2009 season.
Compilation of final balances for total wine, vcprd and table wines for the 2007/2008 season.
Compilation of provisional balances for 50 agricultural products other than wine from the 2008/2009 season.
Compilation of final balances for 50 agrarian products other than wine from the 2007/2008 season.
Compilation of provisional meat balances from seven animal species in the year 2008.
Compilation of final meat balances from seven animal species in the year 2007.
Compilation of provisional balances for 13 livestock products other than meat in the year 2008.
Compilation of final balances for 13 livestock products other than meat in the year 2007.
Methodological updates in accordance with the agreements and national and EU guidelines
Dissemination in MARM publications, on the MARM website (www.marm.es) and submission to Eurostat.
Budgetary credits necessary for its finance in the year 2009  (in thousands euros)


Plan sheet      Plan incidences sheet