5862Satellite Accounts for Cooperatives and Mutuals

Institutions that intervene
INE, and CIRIEC-Spain (Centre for Research and Information on public, social and cooperative economics)
Works that will be carried out in the year 2010
Obtaining profit and loss accounts and balance sheets for years 2007 and 2008 for a representative sample of cooperatives and of the total number of mutual provident societies. Data will be obtained from records (national and Autonomous Community) containing data on these units (CIRIEC-Spain). Calendar: January to April 201
- Preparation of satellite accounts of cooperatives and mutual provident societies, by breakdown of institutional sector and economic activity branch. Incorporation of non-monetary data corresponding to these units (INE and CIRIEC-Spain). Calendar: May to November 201
- Drafting of the final report of the operation and dissemination of the results obtained (INE and CIRIEC-Spain). Calendar: December 2010
Budgetary credits necessary for its finance in the year 2010  (in thousands euros)

48.62 thousand euros financed by the INE, 91.83 thousand euros financed by CIRIEC-Spain and 55.00 thousand euros financed by the European Commission

Plan sheet      Plan incidences sheet