5624Quarterly Labour Cost Survey (QLCS)

Institutions that intervene
INE, General Social Security Treasury (MTIN).
Works that will be carried out in the year 2010
Collection of statistical information for the fourth quarter of 2009, and the first three quarters of 2010
Recording and filtering during all months of the year 2010.
Microedition and macroedition during all months of the year 2010.
Processing of data and first tabulations at the end of each month.
Final tabulations at the end of each quarter.
Dissemination and publication three months after the last month of the reference quarter.
Request new framework to Social Security with reference to September 2010.
Renewal of 20 percent of the sample in the new framework in December 2010
Each quarter, the General Social Security Treasury supplies the Social Security Contribution Account File through the Subdirectorate General for Statistics (MTIN) in order to obtain the framework, sample and elevation factors of the survey.
Budgetary credits necessary for its finance in the year 2010  (in thousands euros)


Plan sheet      Plan incidences sheet