01136Indicadores de Desarrollo Rural

Department responsible
Ministerio de Agricultura, Pesca y Alimentación  - Subsecretaría de Agricultura, Pesca y Alimentación
Executing unit
Subdirección General de Análisis, Coordinación y Estadística
Participation of other institutions
Type of operation
Drawing up of summary and analysis with results from various sources
Sector or subject
Environment and sustainable development
Subsector or subsubject
Prices, analysis and compilations regarding the environment and sustainable development
Secondary sector or subject
Quality of life and living conditions
Breakdown level
Methodology of data collection methodology
Obtaining statistics derived from other statistical results
Form of data collection
Not applicable
Overall objective
Diseño de indicadores de desarrollo rural
Study variables
Propias del sector
Classification variables
Type of dissemination
Aún no disponible


Periodicity of dissemination
Still to be determined
Periodicity of data collection
Not applicable
Type of operation
Shown in the National Statistics Plan 2021-2024 actualizado
Shown in the Annual Programme 2024
European Union Statistical Legislation
These are European statistics, according to European Parliament and Council Regulation (EC) no. 223/2009

History sheet