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21 February 2024

Estimate of weekly deaths (EWD)
Monthly estimate of births (MEB)

Year 2023

Main results

  • The number of births fell by 2.0% in the year 2023.
  • The number of deaths decreased by 5.8% compared to the previous year.
  • The population growth showed a negative balance of 113,256 people.

The INE publishes today the results on the estimated number of monthly births and deaths for the month of December, so it now has the estimates for the entire year of 2023.

These estimates, made according to the entries registered in computerised Civil Registers, provide a preview on the number of births, deaths and the population growth in 2023, but these data are markedly provisional and may undergo variations in the coming months.

Number of births and deaths by month. 2023


During 2023, it is provisionally estimated there were 322,075 births in Spain, representing a decline of 2.0% compared to the previous year (6,629 fewer births).

The number of births therefore continues the downward trend of the last decade, which was interrupted only in 2014. Since 2013, the number of births has fallen by 24.1%.

Number of births

In recent years, the decline in the number of births has been accompanied by a delay in the maternity age. One indicator that reflects the delay in motherhood is the number of births to mothers aged 40 or over, which has grown by 19.3% in the last 10 years.

In relative terms, while in 2013 6.8% of births were to mothers aged 40 or older, in 2023 that percentage increased to 10.7%.

Births by mother`s age in 2013 and 2023


In 2023, it is estimated that 435,331 persons died in Spain, 5.8% fewer than the previous year.

By age and sex, the greatest decline in deaths in relative terms came in those aged between 85 and 89, both in men (with a decline of 11.8% compared to 2022), and in women (-9.9%).

Deaths by age group and sex. 2022 and 2023

Vegetative Balance

The vegetative balance of the population (that is, the difference between births and deaths occurring in Spain) was negative, standing at 113,256 people, according to the 2023 provisional data.

Vegetative Balance1. 2013 - 2023.

1The vegetative balance is calculated by subtracting the births from resident mothers from the deaths of Spanish residents. However, for the 2023 estimates, this takes into account entries in Spain, regardless of whether they are residents or not. 

Data by Autonomous Communities and Cities

In 2023, the number of births only increased in the Comunidad de Madrid (2.7%) and Extremadura (0.6%). The greatest declines were recorded in the autonomous cities of Melilla (-19.4%) and Ceuta (-11.8%) and in Castilla-La Mancha (-10.5%).

As for deaths, all regions had lower numbers with respect to 2022. The largest declines occurred in the autonomous city of Ceuta (-10.9%), Aragón (-10.6%) and País Vasco (-8.4%).

Vegetative growth (births minus deaths) was negative in 2023 in all the autonomous communities, except in Comunidad de Madrid (4,770), Región de Murcia (729), and Illes Balears (67) and the autonomous cities of Melilla (250) and Ceuta (94). The highest negative vegetative balances were recorded in Galicia (-18,701), Castilla y León (-16,270) and Andalucía (-13,544).

Births, Deaths and Vegetative Balance by Autonomous Communities and Cities. 2023

By comparing the estimates for the number of births and deaths in 2023 with the definitive data from 2022, by autonomous community, the estimates calculated by the province must be taken into account, which are from the Civil Registry which has processed the entry. The annual variation is done with regard to the definitive results from 2022, which were counted according to the province of residence. This may give rise to certain differences when the birth or death is registered in autonomous communities other than the ones of residence.

Reviews and data updates

The data published today on 2023 are provisional and will be revised in the coming months. All the results of this operation are available on INEbase (ENWD and MEB).

Methodological note

The objective of the Estimate of the Number of Weekly Deaths (ENWD) is to provide rapid estimates of the number of deaths occurring each week and each month based on the entries recorded in the computerised Civil Registries, as well as on their comparison with historical death data. This allows the data to be interpreted with a historical perspective, which is necessary given the variability of deaths over time.

Type of operation:
monthly continuous survey.
Population scope:
all persons who die in Spain.
Geographical scope:
the entire national territory.
Reference period:
weekly and monthly.
Collection method:
The General Office of Legal Security and Public Faith sends files of deaths recorded in INFOREG and DICIREG to the INE on a daily basis.

For more information, you can access the methodology and the standardised methodological report..

The purpose of the Monthly Estimates of Birth (MEB) is to offer rapid estimates on the total number of births occurring each month, based on the records entered into the computerised Civil Registers on a monthly basis, as well as compare them with the historical data already published, which allows for interpreting the data with a much-needed historical perspective, given the variability and gradual decrease revealed by the birth figures over the last few years.

Type of operation:
monthly continuous survey.
Population scope:
all births registered in Spain.
Geographical scope:
the entire national territory.
Reference period:
Collection method:
The General Office of Legal Security and Public Faith sends files of births recorded in INFOREG and DICIREG to the INE on a monthly basis.

For more information, you can access the methodology and the standardised methodological report..

INE statistics are produced in accordance with the Code of Good Practice for European Statistics. More information on Quality at INE and the Code of Best Practices.

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