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4 June 2024

Foreclosure Statistics (EH)

First Quarter 2024. Provisional data

Main results

  • The registrations of certifications of foreclosures initiated in the land registers increased by 4.2% in the annual rate.
  • Foreclosures on dwellings of natural persons fell by 10.1%. Those initiated on usual dwellings decreased by 20.7%.

The number of registrations of certifications of foreclosures initiated in the land registers in the first quarter of 2024 was 5,400, representing an increase of 4.2% with respect to the same quarter of the previous year.

Foreclosures on dwellings of natural persons fell by 10.1%. Of the above, those initiated on usual dwellings fell by 20.7%.

Foreclosures certifications begun and registered. First quarter 2024

2 Includes the following items: premises, garages, offices, storage rooms, warehouses, buildings intented for dwellings, other buildings and urban exploitations.

Certifications of foreclosures initiated and registered according to the type of property

Foreclosures on dwellings accounted for 61.4% of the total of foreclosures in the first quarter.

44.3% of the total number of foreclosures corresponded to usual dwellings of natural persons, 9.0% to legal persons and 8.1% to other dwellings of natural persons. In turn, foreclosures of other urban properties accounted for 28.4% of the total.

Certifications of foreclosures initiated and registered with regard to dwellings according to status

11.8% of the foreclosures during the first quarter were on new dwellings and 88.2% were on used ones.

The number of foreclosures on new dwellings increased 9.2% in the annual rate, while that of used dwellings decreased 12.8%.

Foreclosures certifications begun and registered with regard to dwellings. First quarter 2024

Certifications of foreclosures of dwellings according to the year the mortgage was registered

15.8% of the foreclosures initiated on dwellings in the first quarter corresponded to mortgages constituted in 2007, 14.6% to mortgages constituted in 2006 and 9.5% to mortgages constituted in 2005.

The 2004-2008 period accounted for 55.6% of foreclosures initiated in this quarter.

Distribution of foreclosures certifications begun and registered in respect of dwellings of mortgage registration. First quarter 2024

Results by Autonomous Community

The Autonomous Communities with the greatest number of foreclosures certifications on the total number of properties this quarter were Comunitat Valenciana (1,112), Andalucía (963) and Cataluña (839). In turn, Comunidad Foral de Navarra (21), País Vasco (68) and Illes Balears (75) registered the lowest number.

In the case of dwellings, Andalucía (686), Cataluña (618) and Comunitat Valenciana (600) registered the greatest number of foreclosures. The lowest numbers were in the Comunidad Foral de Navarra (15), Cantabria (26) and Extremadura (41).

Foreclosures certifications begun and registered. First quarter 2024

Revision and updating of data

The data published today are provisional and will be reviewed when the data for the same period next year are published. All results of this operation are available on INEBase.

Methodological note

The Foreclosure statistics provide information on foreclosure certifications initiated and registered in the Land Registers during the reference quarter, relating to all rural and urban properties. The results are broken down on the basis of various variables such as the nature of the property, regime, state and owner of the dwellings with a foreclosure initiated.

The information on foreclosure certifications is obtained from the data contained in the Land Registries of the entire national territory. The Association of Land and Mercantile Registrars of Spain (CORPME) provides centralised information to the INE.

Type of survey:
quarterly continuous survey.
Population scope:
registration of foreclosure certifications that are initiated and registered in the land registries.
Geographical scope:
the entire national territory and Autonomous Communities.
Reference period of the results:
the calendar quarter.
Reference period of the information:
the calendar quarter.
rural and urban properties (dwellings, plots and other urban). Households of natural persons, legal entities, primary and other residences.
Collection method:
administrative registers from the Association of Land and Mercantile Registrars of Spain.

More information on the methodology and the standardised methodological report

INE statistics are produced in accordance with the Code of Good Practice for European Statistics. More information at Quality at INE and Code of Best Practices.

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