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17 December 2024

Quarterly Labour Cost Survey. ETCL

Third Quarter 2024

Main Results

  • The labour cost of companies increased by 4.4% compared with the same period of the previous year and stood at 3,020.71 per worker per month. The wage cost increased by 4.1%.
  • With calendar-adjusted and deseasonalised results, the labour cost per worker increased by 4.4% annually and 1.2% quarterly.
  • The number of vacancies was 150,541 this quarter.

Labour cost increased by 4.4% in the third quarter compared with the same period in 2023, to €3.020,71 per worker per month. Wage cost increased by 4.1% to €2.205,43 and other costs rose by 5.2%. Mandatory Social Security contributions, the main component of other costs, increased by 4.5%.

Total labour cost

Annual variation rate. Percentage

Labour cost per worker per month. Third quarter of 2024

1Compared to the same quarter of the previous year.

Hourly labour cost. Third quarter of 2024

1Compared to the same quarter of the previous year.

Series adjusted for seasonal and calendar effects

The labour cost per worker, excluding seasonal and calendar effects, increased by 4.4% this quarter compared to the same period of the previous year, and 1.2% compared with the previous quarter.

Labour cost per worker

Series adjusted for seasonal and calendar effects. Percentage

Labour cost by activity sector

By activity sectors, labour costs recorded their largest increases in Extractive Industries, Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities, and in Health and Social Services Activities. In contrast, the lowest were in Administrative activities and support services, Supply of electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning and Construction.

Labour cost per worker per month. Third quarter 2024

Labour cost by Autonomous Community

Extremadura, Región de Murcia and Comunitat Valenciana saw the highest increases in labour cost this quarter.

On the other hand, Andalucía, País Vasco and Castilla-La Mancha recorded the smallest increases.

Job vacancies

The number of vacancies stood at 150,541 in the third quarter, 5.256 fewer than in the same quarter the previous year.

Number of vacancies

87.9% of vacancies were in the Services sector this quarter.

Vacancies by sector. Third quarter of 2024

The Autonomous Communities registering the greatest number of vacancies were Comunidad de Madrid, Cataluña and Andalucía. On the other hand, those with the fewest vacancies were La Rioja, Cantabria and Extremadura.

Revision and updating of data

The data published today are final. All results are available on INEbase.

Methodological note

The Quarterly Labour Cost Survey (ETCL) primarily aims to understand the evolution of the average labour cost per worker per month, the average labour cost per effective working hour, and time worked and not worked. 

Furthermore, it is the primary source of information for the development of the Harmonised Labour Cost Index, which is part of the euro-indicators of the Statistical Office of the European Union (EUROSTAT).

Type of operation:
quarterly continuous survey.
Base year:
Population scope:
Social Security contribution accounts. General Scheme: Sections B to S of CNAE-09 and Special Scheme for Seafarers: Sea Transport (Division 50 of CNAE-09).
Geographical scope:
the entire national territory.
Reference period of the results:
the calendar quarter.
Reference period of the information:
the calendar month.
Sample size:
28,500 establishments, divided into three monthly sub-samples of 9,500 establishments each.
Sampling type:
stratified random with optimal allocation. Comprehensive survey for workplaces with more than 500 employees.
Collection method:
questionnaire filled in directly by the establishment.

More information on the methodology and the standardised methodological report.

INE statistics are produced in accordance with the Code of Good Practice for European Statistics. More information on Quality at INE and Code of Best Practices.

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