Main results
- In January, 200,987 properties were registered in the property registers, 3.7% more than in the same month of the previous year.
- The number of registered property sales and purchases increased by 11.0% compared with January 2024.
The number of property transfers recorded in the property registers (from previously executed public deeds) in the month of January was 200,987, which was 3.7% more than in the same month of 2024.
As regards registered property sales, the number of transfers was 117,973, an annual increase of 8.4%.
1 Includes the following items: land consolidation, condominium divisions, joint operations or mixtures of several transfer titles, transfers without title of acquisition, dation in payment, foreclosures and court orders.
88.0% of registered sales in January were urban properties and 12.0% were rural properties. Among urban properties, 58.4% were home sales and purchases.
In January, the number of rural property sales decreased by 4.0% in the annual rate, while the number of urban property sales rose by 10.3%. Within the latter, housing sales recorded an annual rise of 11.0%.
93.0% of the housing transferred by sale in January were open market and 7.0% were protected.
In annual terms, the number of homes transferred by sale increased by 11.0% and the number of social housing dwellings by 10.5%.
23.4% of the housing sales in January were new and 76.6% were used.
The number of new home transactions increased by 30.9% compared with January 2024 and the number of used ones by 6.1%.
Andalucía (12.4%), Región de Murcia (8.6%) and the Principado de Asturias (8.3%) recorded the highest annual rates of change in the total number of properties transferred in January.
In turn, Cantabria (-11.6%), Castilla y León (-10.8%) and Comunidad Foral de Navarra (-9.9%) recorded the lowest annual rates.
Regarding registered home sales and purchases, the Autonomous Communities with the largest increases were La Rioja (24.4%), Canarias (22.7%) and Principado de Asturias (21.8%).
Meanwhile, Cantabria (-10.3%) was the only Autonomous Community to record a negative annual rate.
The data for 2025 are provisional and will be reviewed when the data for the same period next year are published. All the results of this operation are available at INEbase.
The Statistics on Transfer of Property Rights provides information on the number of rights over real estate transferred during the reference month, on a national level, by provinces and Autonomous Communities.
The information on transfers of property rights is obtained from the information available in the Land Registers throughout Spain, by virtue of a collaboration agreement signed in 2004 between the two institutions.
More information on the methodology and the standardised methodological report.
INE statistics are produced in accordance with the Code of Good Practice for European Statistics. More information on Quality at INE and Code of Best Practices.