26 September 2024

Residents Travel Survey (ETR/FAMILITUR)

Second quarter 2024

Main results

  • The number of trips by residents in Spain decreased by 6.9% in the second quarter to 45.1 million.
  • Total expenditure increased by 3.9% and exceeded 13,858 million euros.
  • Andalusia, Catalonia and the Valencian Community were the main destinations.

Residents in Spain made 45.1 million trips in the second quarter, 6.9% less than in the same period of 2023.

Trips whose main destination was the national territory decreased by 8.3%, and those abroad increased by 7.8%.

Trips and average duration by destination. Second Quarter 2024

Trips by purpose and accommodation

Leisure, recreation and holidays decreased by 4.9% in the second quarter and Visits to relatives or friends by 12.3%.

Trips for Business and other professional reasons decreased by 10.6%, while trips for Other reasons increased by 11.5%.

Trips by main purpose. Second Quarter 2024

By type of accommodation, domestic trips where residents stayed with relatives or friends decreased by 20.4%. In foreign trips, hotel accommodation increased by 13.9%.

Main destinations and Autonomous Communities of origin

The main autonomous communities of destination for trips by residents in the second quarter were Andalusia (16.6% of the total), Cataluña (14.2%) and Comunitat Valenciana (10.4%).

Trips by destination (abroad and autonomous communities). Second Quarter 2024

Note: the data marked with "-" do not have sufficient sampling support.

In terms of origin, trips made by residents in the Comunidad de Madrid accounted for 18.4% of the total. This was followed by Cataluña (17.9%) and Andalucía (14.6%).

Eliminating the effect of the size of each Community, the most travellers were residents of Comunidad de Madrid (1,188 trips per 1,000 inhabitants), Basque Country (1,119) and Aragon (1,106).

Travel expenditure

Total travel expenditure in the second quarter was 13,858.4 million euros, an increase of 3.9% compared to the same period in 2023. For domestic trips, total expenditure decreased by 0.6%, while for trips abroad it increased by 14.6%.

The average daily expenditure was 94 euros –79 euros for domestic trips and 158 euros for trips abroad–.

Expenditure by destination. Second Quarter 2024

By expenditure items, the highest expenditure on domestic trips was on accommodation, with 26.9% of the total and an annual increase of 1.4%. For trips abroad, the highest expenditure was on transport, with 31.5% of the total and an increase of 11.0%.

Expenditure by item of expenditure according to destination. Second Quarter 2024

By main destination, the highest average daily expenditure was recorded for trips to the Illes Balears (112 euros), Basque Country (108) and Comunidad de Madrid (105). And the lowest in Extremadura and Castilla y León (both with 61), and Castilla-La Mancha (63).

By origin, the highest average daily expenditures were made by residents in Canarias (110 euros), Comunidad Foral de Navarra (105) and Illes Balears (103). And the lowest were in Aragón and Castilla y León (both 83 euros), and Cantabria (84).

Monthly data

June recorded, this quarter, the highest number of trips (16.8 million), while the longest average duration was recorded in April (3.5 overnight stays).


The population aged 15 and over made 52.6 million trips in the second quarter, with an annual increase of 0.3%. Of these, 96.4% were for personal reasons.

Data revisions and updates

The data published today are final. All the results of this operation are available at  INEbase.

Methodological note

The objective of the Residents Travel Survey (ETR/FAMILITUR) is to provide information on the trips and excursions carried out by the population resident in Spain, both within the country and abroad, and their main characteristics (duration, expenditure, reason, accommodation, etc.).

In addition, it provides annual information on the percentage of the population travelling for personal reasons and investigates the reasons given by those who do not travel.

Type of operation:
quarterly continuous survey.
Population scope:
population aged 15 and over living in family homes in Spain.
Geographical scope:
the entire national territory.
Reference period of the results:
month, quarter, year (depending on the variable).
Sample size:
the effective monthly sample is around 8,200 persons, who provide information on the trips completed in the two months prior to the interview. The results of a reference month are obtained from around 16,400 questionnaires.
Sample type:
stratified three-stage random sample from the Georeferenced Address Framework. The first-stage units are census sections, the second-stage units are dwellings (a person aged 15 or over has been selected within each dwelling).
Collection method:
telephone and face-to-face interviews and online questionnaire.

For more information, you can access the methodology and the standardised methodological report.

INE statistics are produced in accordance with the Code of Good Practice for European Statistics. More information on Quality at INE and the Code of Best Practices.

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