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17 May 2024

Statistics on Domestic Violence and Gender Violence (SDVGV)

Year 2023

Main results

  • The number of women who were victims of gender violence increased by 12.1% in 2023, up to 36,582.
  • The rate of female victims of gender violence was 1.7 per 1,000 women aged 14 years old and over.
  • The number of domestic violence victims increased by 12.0%.

In 2023, 36,582 female victims of gender violence were registered corresponding to matters in which precautionary measures or protection orders had been issued, 12.1% more than in the previous year. Almost half (47.8%) were between the ages of 30 and 44.

The number of men reported increased by 9.7%, up to 36,434. Almost half (48.4%) were between 30 and 44 years old.

Victims and persons reported in gender violence and domestic violence

Absolute values and variation rates (%)

The rate of victims of gender violence was 1.7 per 1,000 women aged 14 years old and over. A total of 11 communities and two autonomous cities exceeded the national average.

Female victims of gender violence by autonomous communities and cities

Rate per 1,000 women, aged 14 years old and over

Relationship of the female victims with the men reported

42.2% of the women victims of gender violence were in a de facto relationship with the man reported. And 34.7% were girlfriends or ex-girlfriends.

Relationship of the female victims with the men reported. Year 2023

Absolute values and variation rates (%)

Underage victims of gender violence

In 2023, 1,816 minors (children, in guardianship or custody or living together) victims of gender violence corresponding to cases in which interim measures or protection orders had been issued.

Under-age victims of gender violence by type of relationship and sex. Year 2023

Absolute Values

Interim measures in gender violence cases

The total interim measures ordered and recorded in the Register for cases of gender violence in 2023 was 109,383, 12.1% more than in the previous year.

74.4% were criminal in nature and 25.6% were civil in nature.

Victims of domestic violence

In 2023, 9,126 victims were recorded in domestic violence cases with a protection order or interim measures, 12.0% more than in the previous year. Among them, 61.1% were women, and 38.9% were men.

The number of victims was greater than the number of people reported, with a ratio of 1.2 victims for each person reported. In addition, 399 people were listed as reported and victims at the same time.

In 37.8% of the cases, the victims of domestic violence were the father or mother, in 25.3% the children, and in 9.8% the siblings.

Relationship of the victims with the persons reported. Year 2023

Absolute values and variation rates (%)

Interim measures in domestic violence cases

During 2023, 18,263 precautionary measures were issued in registered domestic violence matters, which represented an increase of 10.4%. Of these measures, 70.3% were handed down to men, and 29.7% to women.

91.3% were criminal precautionary measures and 8.7% were civil.

Final judgements

In 2023, final sentences were issued corresponding to matters (with protection orders or precautionary measures issued) registered in the Central Registry for the Protection of Victims of Domestic and Gender Violence in 2023 or in previous years on 37,161 people convicted of gender violence and 8,687 for domestic violence.

People sentenced according to sex. Year 2023

Absolute values and variation rates (%)

Regarding the duration of the cases, in gender violence a final sentence was handed down in less than a year to three out of four people (74.9% of the total). In domestic violence, in less than a year to 61.2%.

People sentenced according to duration of the matter. Year 2023

Absolute Values

Reviews and data updates

The data published today are final. All results of this operation are available on INEBase.

Methodological note

The Statistic Domestic Violence and Gender Violence is obtained from statistical use of the Central Register for the Protection of Victims of Domestic and Gender Violence, whose ownership corresponds to the Ministry of Justice.

The objective of these statistics is to ascertain the number and some of their socio-demographic characteristics, both of victims with interim measures or protection orders and of those reported in the cases opened, as well as persons convicted by final judgement in that year of cases registered in the register both in the reference year and in previous years.

Definitions can be accessed at: gender violence and domestic violence.

Type of operation:
annual continuous statistics.
Population scope:
In cases opened: Victims and those reported aged 14 or over corresponding to cases with interim measures issued registered in the Central Register for the Protection of Victims of Domestic and Gender Violence during the reference period. In final judgements: Those convicted by final judgement during the reference period corresponding to cases opened with interim measures issued and registered in the Register both in the reference period and in previous periods.
Geographical scope:
the entire national territory.
Reference period for the results:
the calendar year.
Reference period of the information:
dates of initiation of the case and dates of the final judgement..
Collection method:
statistical use of an administrative register.

More information on the methodology and the standardised methodological report.

INE statistics are produced in accordance with the Code of Good Practice for European Statistics. More information on Quality in the INE and Code of Good Practices.

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