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25 March 2025

Industrial Price Index. 2021 Baseline

February 2025. Provisional data

Principales resultados

  • The annual variation of the Industrial Price Index increased 4.0 points in February, to 6.6%.
  • The monthly rate of industrial prices was 1.2%.

The annual rate of the general Industrial Price Index (IPRI) was 6.6% in February, 4.0 points above that in January.

By the economic use of the goods, among the industrial sectors that had a notably positive effect on the evolution of the annual rate of the general IPRI were:

  • Energy, with a variation of 22.2%, 13.8 points above that in January, caused by the increase in the prices for Electric power generation, transmission and distribution and, to a lesser extent, for Manufacture of gas; distribution of gaseous fuels through mains, compared with decline in February 2024.

It is noteworthy, although in the opposite direction, that the increase in Oil refining prices was lower than in the same month of the previous year.

  • Intermediate goods, whose rate increased by 0.5 percentage points to 0.6 per cent, due to the increase in the prices of the Manufacture of animal foodstuffs, which declined in February last year.

The annual variation rate of the general index excluding Energy increased by two tenths, to 0.0%, standing nearly 6.6 points below that of the general IPRI.

Annual evolution of the IPRI

General index and general index without Energy. Percentage

Monthly evolution of industrial prices

In February, the monthly variation rate of the general IPRI was 1.2%.

A more detailed analysis shows the activities that most affected the monthly IPRI rate in February.

Activities with the greatest positive contribution to the monthly rate of the IPRI. February 2025
Activities with the greatest negative impact on the monthly rate of the IPRI. February 2025

Results by Autonomous Communities. Annual variation rates

The IPRI recorded positive annual rates in all the autonomous communities in February.

The highest rates were in Canarias (48.9%), Principado de Asturias (42.8%) and Illes Baleares (41.2%).

In contrast, Andalucía (0.7%), Región de Murcia (1.4%) and Extremadura (1.8%), registered the lowest increases.

Annual variation rates of the IPRI by Autonomous Community. February 2025


Data revisions and updates

The INE has today updated the IPRI data for the last three months, making the November 2024 data final. All the results of this operation are available at INEBase.

In accordance with the Commission's Delegated Regulation (EU) 2023/137, the INE has begun to work on incorporating the new National Classification of Economic Activities CNAE-2025 in all its statistical operations.

In the case of the IPRI, the first publication of results with CNAE-2025 will take place in February 2028.

Methodological note

The Industrial Price Index (IPRI) is a short-term indicator that measures the monthly evolution of the prices of industrial products manufactured and sold in the domestic market, in the first step of their commercialization, that is, the sales prices at the exit of factory, excluding transportation and marketing costs and VAT invoiced.

Type of survey:
continuous monthly survey.
Base year:
Reference period of the weightings:
the year preceding the current year.
Population scope:
industrial establishments.
Sample size:
9,200 industrial establishments and 1,400 items
Number of observations:
approximately 29,000 monthly prices.
General calculation method:
Laspeyres’ Chain Index.
Collection method:
internet (IRIA system), e-mail, fax, telephone or postal mail.

For more information, you can access the methodology and the standardised methodological report.

INE statistics are produced in accordance with the Code of Good Practice for European Statistics. More information on Quality at INE and the Code of Best Practices.

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