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19 March 2024

Statistics of Spaniards Residing Abroad (RSRA)

01 January 2024

Main results

  • The Spanish population residing abroad increased 4.2% in 2023 and reached 2,908,649 as of 01 January 2024.
  • Mexico, United States and France are the countries that have registered the largest increase in population of Spanish nationality.
  • In 2023, three out of four new entries in the RSRA corresponded to persons born outside Spain.

The number of persons with Spanish nationality residing abroad reached 2,908,649 as of 01 January 2024, according to data from the Register of Spaniards Residing Abroad (RSRA).

This figure represents an increase of 4.2% (118,332 persons) as compared with the data as of 01 January 2023.

By continent, 58.7% of those registered had established their residence in the Americas, 37.7% in Europe and 3.6% in the rest of the world. The largest increases in the number of registered persons in 2023 were in the Americas (69,526 more) and Europe (43,140).

In relative terms, the largest increases were recorded in Asia (7.9%) and Africa (4.8%).

Population with Spanish nationality residing abroad by continent

Population with Spanish Nationality residing abroad by continent and place of birth

29.4% (855,303 persons) of Spanish residents abroad as of 01 January 2024 were born in Spain, while 58.7% (1,706,529) were born in their current country of residence.

Population with Spanish nationality residing abroad by continent and place of birth

Population with Spanish nationality residing abroad registered during 2023 by continent and place of birth

Most of new registrations during 2023 corresponded to residents in the Americas, 60.5% (130,902 of the total) and persons born in their current country of residence, 62.0% (134,256).

Population with Spanish nationality resident abroad registered in 2023 by continent and place of birth

Population with Spanish nationality residing abroad registered during 2023 born in Spain, by continent and age group

Among the new registrations in 2023 by people born in Spain, the majority were residents in Europe (60.5%) and the Americas (28.3%), and by age group, in the 16-to-64 age bracket (67,6%).

Population with Spanish nationality born in Spain residing abroad registered in 2023 by continent and age group

Population with Spanish nationality residing abroad by country

The foreign countries where the most Spanish nationals resided as of 01 January 2024 were Argentina (482,176), France (310,072) and the United States (206,278).

Population with Spanish nationality residing abroad by country

In absolute terms, the highest increases of Spanish population during 2023 were registered in Mexico (15,918 more), the United States (13,512) and France (12,930).

Increase in population of Spanish nationality residing abroad during 2023

Data revisions and updates

The data released today are final. All the results of this operation are available on INEbase

Methodological note

The statistics on Spaniards Residing Abroad are obtained from the statistical exploitation of the central file of the Register of Spaniards Residing Abroad (RSRA), which contains the registrations of people who are Spanish nationals and habitually live outside of Spain, whether or not this is their only nationality. The RSRA is formed with the data existing in the Registration Registry of each Career Consular Office or Consular Section of the Diplomatic Missions.

The registrations carried out within the year before the 1st January of the reference year correspond to new registers due to any possible reason (birth, nationalization, omission and emigration from Spain abroad).

The statistical use of the RSRA central file provides the distribution of registered individuals and the distribution of new registrations by variable on the date of reference, but it does not provide information about the reasons for changes with respect to the previous year.

Type of operation: continuous on an annual basis.

Population scope: all persons with Spanish nationality residing abroad.

Geographical scope: in terms of residence abroad, all countries are covered; in terms of municipality of registration for electoral purposes, the entire national territory is covered.

Reference period: on 1 January of each year.

Collection method: comprehensive from an administrative register.

For more information you can access the methodology and the standardized methodological report.

INE statistics are produced in accordance with the Code of Best Practices for European Statistics, which is the basis for the institution's quality policy and strategy. More information in Quality at the INE and the Code of Best Practices.

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