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31 October 2024

Urban Indicators

Edition 2024

Main results

  • Pozuelo de Alarcón recorded the highest average monthly expenditure on primary residences in 2022 with a figure of 1,088.4 euros, while Ponferrada recorded the lowest (347.9 euros).
  • Madrid and Barcelona accounted for the 60 neighbourhoods with the highest average monthly net expenditure on housing rentals.
  • The El Viso neighbourhood in Madrid recorded the highest average annual net income per inhabitant (43,575 euros). The Los Pajaritos and Amate area in Seville recorded the lowest income (6,719 euros).
  • El Barri Gòtic in Barcelona recorded the highest percentage of foreign population (65.3%). Santa Isabel in Córdoba recorded the lowest (0.9%).

This issue of Urban Indicators incorporates a new bloc of indicators regarding expenditure on rentals of primary residences, the source of which is the information on rental income in annual income tax returns. This initial publication only takes into account the territory with a common tax regime.

These indicators are calculated for a selection of Spanish cities, conurbations, functional urban areas, municipalities with over 20,000 inhabitants and administrative districts or neighbourhoods.

Expenditure on rentals of primary residences

Of the 126 cities under study in the Urban Indicators project, the three that recorded the highest average monthly rental expenditure in 2022 were Pozuelo de Alarcón (1,088.4 euros), Sant Cugat del Vallès (1,045.6) and Majadahonda (987.4).

In contrast, Ponferrada (347.9 euros), Ferrol (349.2) and Alcoi/Alcoy (352.3) recorded the lowest average monthly expenditure on rentals of primary residences.

Cities according to average monthly rental expenditure. Year 2022


In more detailed terms, among the cities with over 250,000 inhabitants, Madrid and Barcelona accounted for the 60 neighbourhoods with the highest average monthly rental expenditure. The highest were in Pedralbes (1,769.5 euros), Recoletos (1,746.3) and Las Tres Torres (1,596.2).

In contrast, the lowest monthly rentals were to be found in Murcia (zone 6-A (which mostly includes the district of Cañadas de San Pedro), with 352.5 euros, and zone 7-B (which mostly includes the district of Aljucer), with 380.6), as well as zone 4-A in Alicante/Alacant (which mostly includes the district of Juan XXIII), with 359.3.

Administrative districts or neighbourhoods according to average monthly rental expenditure.
Year 2022


Average annual net income per inhabitant

The neighbourhoods with the highest average annual net income per inhabitant in cities with over 250,000 inhabitants in 2022 were El Viso (43,575 euros), Recoletos (40,956 euros) and Piovera (39,164 euros), all three in Madrid.

In turn, the lowest incomes were located in Seville (zone 4-E (Los Pajaritos and Amate neighbourhoods of the Cerro-Amate district), with 6,747 euros) and zone 4-A in Alicante/Alacant (which mostly includes the district of Juan XXIII), with 7,107 euros.

Administrative districts or neighbourhoods according to average annual net income per inhabitant. Year 2022


Unemployment rate

The cities with the lowest unemployment rates in 2023 were Sant Cugat del Vallès (5.3%), Pozuelo de Alarcón (5.3%) and Las Rozas de Madrid (5.7%).

Cities by unemployment rate. Year 2023


In contrast, Ceuta (30.1%), La Línea de la Concepción (29.2%) and Linares (26.9%) recorded the highest unemployment rates.

Proportion of foreigners with respect to the total population

The three cities with the highest percentages of foreign nationals in 2023 were Torrevieja (44.6%), Fuengirola (38.5%) and Benidorm (31.4%).

In contrast, San Fernando (1.8%), Sanlúcar de Barrameda (2.0%) and Cádiz (2.5%) were the cities with the lowest percentages of foreign nationals.

Cities according to proportion of foreign nationals with respect to the total population. Year 2023


Among the cities with over 250,000 inhabitants, 7 of the 15 neighbourhoods with the highest percentages of foreign nationals were located in Barcelona and 13 of the 15 neighbourhoods with the lowest percentages of foreign nationals belonged to Córdoba.

The neighbourhoods with the highest percentages were El Barri Gòtic (65.3%), El Raval Sud (50.3%) and El Raval Nord (50.3%), all three in Barcelona.

Conversely, Santa Isabel (0.9%), Cañero-Parque Fidiana (1.1%) and Arruzafilla (1.3%), all three in Córdoba, were the neighbourhoods or administrative districts with the lowest percentages of foreign nationals.

Administrative districts or neighbourhoods according to the proportion of foreign nationals with respect to the total population. Year 2023


Data revisions and updates

The data published today are final. All results of this operation are available on INEbase.

Methodological note

The Urban Indicators publications derives from the European Urban Audit Project which collects information on living conditions in European Union cities and candidate countries. This is a project launched in the late 1990s by the Directorate-General for Regional and Urban Policy (DG REGIO), coordinated by Eurostat and developed by the Statistical Offices of the participating States.

Its objective is to compile, estimate and publish comparable statistical data of a socio-economic nature with the purpose of understanding and measuring living standards in a certain number of territorial areas related to the urban environment.

Type of operation:
Continuous annual survey. Data is collected from many different sources, mainly administrative data, and some indicators are built specifically for this statistic.
Geographical scope:
Data is offered for a selection of 126 cities, 9 conurbations, 70 functional areas around the main cities, as well as for the neighbourhoods of the 17 cities with more than 250,000 inhabitants.

A selection of indicators is also offered for all 423 municipalities with more than 20,000 inhabitants. Since these indicators come mainly from administrative sources, they can be obtained for all of these municipalities.

More information on the methodology and the standardised methodological report.

INE statistics are produced in accordance with the Code of Good Practice for European Statistics. More information on Quality at INE and Code of Best Practices.

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