Population and Housing Census
Annual population census 2021-2024
- Population figures.
- National Results by Autonomous Communities and Provinces.
- Results by Islands.
- Results by Municipalities.
Results by Census Sections
National total
Debido al volumen de las tablas de este apartado, sólo se ofrecen las descargas.Note to users
Census Section Results by Province
- Albacete
- Alicante/Alacant
- Almería
- Araba/Álava
- Asturias
- Avila
- Badajoz
- Balears, Illes
- Barcelona
- Bizkaia
- Burgos
- Cáceres
- Cádiz
- Cantabria
- Castellón/Castelló
- Ciudad Real
- Córdoba
- Coruña, A
- Cuenca
- Gipuzkoa
- Girona
- Granada
- Guadalajara
- Huelva
- Huesca
- Jaén
- León
- Lleida
- Lugo
- Madrid
- Málaga
- Murcia
- Navarra
- Ourense
- Palencia
- Palmas, Las
- Pontevedra
- Rioja, La
- Population by gender and nationality (Spanish/foreign)
- Population by gender and country of birth (Spanish/foreign)
- Population by gender and nationality (main countries)
- Population by gender and country of birth (main countries)
- Population by gender and relationship between place of birth and place of residence
- Population by gender and age (five-year groups)
- Santa Cruz de Tenerife
- Segovia
- Sevilla
- Soria
- Tarragona
- Teruel
- Toledo
- Valencia/València
- Valladolid
- Zamora
- Zaragoza
- Ceuta
- Melilla
National total
- Annual Population Census (Education and Occupation) 2021-2022
- Annual population census (Occupation and activity) 2021-2022
- Annual population census (Migration)