Population and Housing Census
- Annual population census 2021-2024
- Annual Population Census (Education and Occupation) 2021-2022
Annual population census (Occupation and activity) 2021-2022
- Main results
- National results, by autonomous communities and provinces
- Results by islands
Results by municipalities
- Population employed aged 16 and over by sex and occupation 2D (Province capitals and main cities)
- Population employed aged 16 and over by sex and activity 2D (Provincial capitals and main cities)
- Population employed aged 16 and over by sex, age (five-year age groups) and occupation 1D (Provincial capitals and main cities)
- Population employed aged 16 and over by sex, age (five-year age groups) and activity 1 letter (Provincial capitals and main cities)
- Population employed aged 16 and over by sex, age (five-year age groups) and professional situation (Provincial capitals and main cities)
- Population employed aged 16 and over by sex, nationality (Spanish/foreign), level of studies (aggregate) and occupation 1D (Provincial capitals and main cities)
- Population employed aged 16 and over by sex, occupation 1d, branch of activity and professional situation (Provincial capitals and main cities)
- Population employed aged 16 and over by sex, occupation 1d and workplace (Provincial capitals and main cities)
- Population employed aged 16 and over by sex, branch of activity, professional status (aggregated) and workplace (Provincial capitals and main cities)
- Population employed aged 16 and over by sex, place of birth (Spain/abroad), occupation 1D (Provincial capitals and main cities)
- Population employed aged 16 and over by sex, nationality (Spanish/foreign) and activity 1 letter (Provincial capitals and main cities)
- Population employed aged 16 and over by sex, place of birth (Spain/abroad), branch of activity and professional situation (aggregated) (Provincial capitals and main cities)
- Population employed aged 16 and over by sex and occupation 1D (Municipalities of 500 inhabitants or more)
- Population employed aged 16 and over by sex and activity 1 letter (Municipalities of 500 inhabitants or more)
- Population employed aged 16 and over by sex and professional situation (Municipalities of 500 inhabitants or more)
- Population employed aged 16 and over by sex, age (five-year age groups) and occupation (aggregated) (Municipalities of 500 inhabitants or more)
- Population employed aged 16 and over by sex, age (five-year age groups) and branch of activity (Municipalities of 500 inhabitants or more)
- Population employed aged 16 and over by sex, age (five-year age groups), and professional situation (aggregated) (Municipalities of 500 inhabitants or more)
- Population employed aged 16 and over by sex, nationality (Spanish/foreign) and occupation (aggregated) (Municipalities of 500 inhabitants or more)
- Population aged 16 and over by sex, place of birth (Spain/abroad) and occupation (aggregated) (Municipalities of 500 inhabitants or more)
- Population employed aged 16 and over by sex, nationality (Spanish/foreign) and branch of activity (Municipalities of 500 inhabitants and over)
- Population aged 16 and over by sex, place of birth (Spain/abroad) and branch of activity (Municipalities of 500 inhabitants or more)
- Population employed aged 16 and over by sex and occupation (aggregated) (Municipalities of 50-500 inhabitants)
- Population employed aged 16 and over by sex and branch of activity (Municipalities of 50-500 inhabitants)
- Population employed aged 16 and over by sex and professional situation (aggregated) (Municipalities of 50-500 inhabitants)
- Results by census sections
- Annual population census (Migration)