Elections to the Parliament of Pais Vasco on 12 July 2020
- Data related to elections to the Basque Parliament 2020
Information of the postal vote
Descarga ficheros Información tablaPostal vote by date of receipt
- Última modificación:
- 08/28/2020
- Tamaño del fichero:
- 980.00 bytes
- Dimensiones:
- Province of registration, Date of receipt
Descarga ficheros Información tablaPostal vote by number of voters in municipality of registration. Absolute values and percentages
- Última modificación:
- 08/28/2020
- Tamaño del fichero:
- 1,445.00 bytes
- Dimensiones:
- Type of value, Province of registration, Number of voters in municipality of registration
Descarga ficheros Información tablaPostal vote in municipalities wih more than 20,000 voters
- Última modificación:
- 08/28/2020
- Tamaño del fichero:
- 1,268.00 bytes
- Dimensiones:
- Municipalities wih more than 20,000 voters, Type of value
Descarga ficheros Información tablaPostal vote by province of registration and reference
- Última modificación:
- 08/28/2020
- Tamaño del fichero:
- 2,438.00 bytes
- Dimensiones:
- Province of reference, Province of registration
Descarga ficheros Información tablaDistribution of postal vote by age, province and sex. Absolute values and percentages
- Última modificación:
- 08/28/2020
- Tamaño del fichero:
- 2,179.00 bytes
- Dimensiones:
- Province of registration, Age groups, Absolute value and percentage, Sex
- Data relating to the electoral census
- Distribution by age and sex of electoral census
- Data pertaining to previous electoral processes