- Death statistics according to cause of death
- Hospital morbidity surveys. Year 2014
- Hospital morbidity surveys. Year 2015
- Hospital morbidity surveys. Year 2016
- Hospital morbidity surveys. Year 2017
- Affiliated Health Professionals Statistics
- Hospital morbidity surveys. Year 2018
- Hospital morbidity survey. Year 2019
- Hospital morbidity survey
Survey on Disability, Personal Autonomy and Dependency Situations. 2020
- National results
Results by Autonomous Community
- Households. Absolute figures
- Households. Relative figures
Disability. Absolute figures
Disabilities and impairments
The tables in this publication with C* identifier have been updated on 28/09/2022.Note to users
- State of health and diagnosed diseases
- Health, social and economic benefits
- Education, schooling and ongoing studies
- Employment and labour force status
Family and social relationships
Descarga ficheros Información tablaFrequency of visits or meetings in the last 12 months with relatives not residing in the home by Autonomous Community, gender and age group. Population aged 6 and over with a disability.
- Última modificación:
- 05/05/2022
- Tamaño del fichero:
- 25,825.00 bytes
- Dimensiones:
- AC, Sex, Age, Frequency of family visits
Descarga ficheros Información tablaFrequency of visits or meetings in the last 12 months with friends, neighbours and acquaintances, by Autonomous Community and age group. Population aged 6 and over with a disability.
- Última modificación:
- 05/05/2022
- Tamaño del fichero:
- 25,828.00 bytes
- Dimensiones:
- AC, Sex, Age, Frequency of visits from friends
Descarga ficheros Información tablaFrequency of telephone, mail or social media contact in the last 12 months with people close to you by Autonomous Community, gender and age. Population aged 6 and over with a disability.
- Última modificación:
- 05/05/2022
- Tamaño del fichero:
- 25,937.00 bytes
- Dimensiones:
- AC, Sex, Age, Telephone contact, mail and social networks
Descarga ficheros Información tablaAssessment of the frequency of contact with relatives by Autonomous Communities, gender and age. Population aged 6 and over with a disability.
- Última modificación:
- 05/05/2022
- Tamaño del fichero:
- 5,662.00 bytes
- Dimensiones:
- AC, Sex, Family contact assessment
- Leisure and free time
- Membership in NGOs and participation in elections
- Accessibility and getting around
- Discrimination
- Degree of disability, pension for permanent disability and dependency
Disabilities and impairments
- Disability. Relative figures
- Caregivers and care Absolute figures
- Caregivers and care Relative figures
Disability indicators (rates)
The tables in this publication with C* identifier have been updated on 28/09/2022.Note to users
Results by provinces. Small area estimations.
Para interpretar correctamente las estimaciones provinciales se recomienda leer el documento metodológico disponible en el apartado de metodología.Note to users
C* - Tabla actualizada a fecha 07/03/2023 - Errores de muestreo
- Survey on Disability, Personal Autonomy and Dependency Situations 2008
- Encuesta europea de salud 2020
- Survey on Disability, Personal Autonomy and Dependency Situations 2023. Resident population in centers
- Education and culture
- Electoral Census Office actions