Men and Women in Spain
- Employment
- Wages, income, social cohesion
- Enrollment rates by age in non-compulsory levels
- Early abandonment of education-training
- Young population who have completed the 2nd stage of secondary education in the EU.
- Population aged 30 to 34 with high education in the EU
- Women graduated in high education
Graduates by educational level. University Entrance Examinations. Students enrolled in university education
- Gross rate of population graduating by por educational level.
- Percentage of presented and passed female students in the University Entrance Exams by convocation
- Percentage of enrolled and graduated female students in degree studies and first and cycle studies by subject. Course 2014-15
- Percentage of enrolled and graduated female students in master's degrees by subject. Course 2014-15
- Graduates in Science, Mathematics and Technology
- Labour Integration of University Graduates
- Educational level of adult population (from 25 to 64 years)
- Women in the faculty by education provided
- Permanent and continuing education (population aged 25 to 64)
- Cultural participation indicators