Labour market
Economic activity, occupation and unemployment
- The Employment of Persons with Disabilities. Series 2008-2012
- The Employment of Persons with Disabilities. 2009-2014 Series
- Activity rate projections. 2016-2029 Period
- The employment of persons with disabilities. 2014-2022 Series
Employment history of people with disabilities
Estadística de la vida laboral de las personas con discapacidad. Año 2018
- Disability and Social Security relationship
- Disability and Social Security affiliates registered in the Social Security system
- Disability and characteristics of labor affiliations
- Disability and contributory benefits
Relative sampling errors
- Última modificación:
- 09/04/2024
- Tamaño del fichero:
- 7,897.00 bytes
- Dimensiones:
- Gender, Age groups, People with and without disabilities
- 2016-2022 series
Estadística de la vida laboral de las personas con discapacidad. Año 2018
- Encuesta de población activa. Módulos
- Base poblacional 1991 y metodología EPA-2002 (no vigente el período 1996-2004). Resultados detallados serie 1987-2004
- Detailled results (national). 1987-1995 Series
- Active population survey. Population base 2021. Modules
- Wages and labour costs
- Other labour market operations