INE Statistics availability calendar in ics format

The calendar included in this section is a file in ics format, containing the date of publication of statistics compiled by the INE. For short-term operations, the availability date is shown for all periods to be published during the current year; moreover, information is incorporated on a monthly basis for structural statistics to be published in the subsequent two months.

What data does the publications calendar contain?

Useful data provided for events are:

  • Publication date and time.
  • Indicator published and reference date.
  • Description of published statistics.

How to integrate the calendar into your personal calendar manager

The file provided follows the iCalendar standard and may be integrated with the majority of the more popular calendar applications (Google Calendar, Outlook,Yahoo, Mozilla Thunderbird, Zimbra, Apple Ical, etc.).

It is recommended that you associate the diary with the calendar at the following url: since in this way, it will update automatically when adding new events. The file may also be downloaded at this same url.

Gmail users may add the calendar to their google calendar directly.