INEbase / Economically Active Population Survey / Analysis of the repercussion of the EAPS-2005 changes
During the first quarter of 2005 various changes have been introduced into the Economically Active Population Survey:
- New variables have been included in accordance with Eurostat (Statistical Office of the European Communities) requirements, set forth in Regulation 2257/2003
- A centralised procedure has been implemented for the realisation of the telephone interviews.
- With the goal of standardising even further the survey process, the questions of the questionnaire have been reformulated.
To be able to offer the users a measure of the impact of the changes in the questionnaire and in the collection method, an additional survey has been elaborated (Control EAPS), which has been carried out with the questionnaire and collection procedure in force until the end of the past year. The results of this work can be viewed in the tables Repercussion of the EAPS-2005, where separately includes the Effects of the methodological changes and the Variations due to the labour market.
Repercussion of the EAPS-2005 changes. Effects of the methodological changes
Repercussion of the EAPS-2005 changes. Variations due to the labour market
Estimation method used by the APS control
NOTE: These data have been calculated using the provisional data of the first quarter 2005 published on 29th April 2005.