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INEbase / National Immigrant Survey / Questionnaire

The interview of NIS-2007 was carried out in person, though the INE interviewer used a portable electronic device (Tablet-PC) to assist in the administration of the questionnaire, coding and other fieldwork management tasks. This means that the content of the questions, the explanations provided, the answer options and the flow control of the questionnaire appeared to the interviewer on different screens, and thus there was no physical questionnaire on paper on which to record the information.

Despite not being a direct collection instrument, this questionnaire in Spanish is that which has served as a basis for the development of the application in the Tablet-PC, and reliably collects all the incidences recorded. It is therefore an essential instrument for the user who wishes to ascertain the bounty of information and precise details of its collection.

Translations to other languages were performed from the original questionnaire in Spanish, in such a way that the field team and telephone support agents had available to them the translated repertoire of all of the questions.

The following links show each questionnaire in this way

Questionnaire in Spain (with the names of the register design fields)
Questionnaire in English
Questionnaire in French
Questionnaire in German
Questionnaire in Arabic
Questionnaire in Rumanian