INEbase / What is INEbase?
The structure of INEbase
INEbase is the system the INE uses to store statistical information on the Internet. It contains all the information the INE produces in electronic formats
The primary organisation of the information follows the theme-based classification of the Inventory of Statistical Operations of the State General Administration (SOI). The basic unit of INEbase is the statistical operation, defined as the set of activities that lead to obtaining statistical results on a determined sector or topic using data collected individually.
The organisation of the information
Statistical operations can be accessed directly via the complete list of INEbase operations or via the topic menus. These menus make it possible to ascertain all information available for each topic: operations for which results are presented, together with a short description of the variables published, the intervals and availability of the data and the geographical scope; publications and related studies; links to other websites in order to broaden information from external sources; and a link to the SOI in order to ascertain all Spanish Statistical System operations relating to the topic.
A page has been designed for each statistical operation in INEbase enabling access to all information relating to this: comprehensive, detailed results, the latest published press release, the data availability calendar and all methodological or descriptive data, helping to improve data comprehension and interpretation (methodologies, questionnaires, classifications, explanatory notes,...).
The detailed results include not only the latest results published as well as the recent history of the statistics. The data files can be viewed directly from INEbase or download the Pc-Axis format for subsequent processing using the Pc-Axis format, which can be downloaded free of charge.