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The Industrial Production Index (IPI) measures the monthly evolution of the productive activity of the industrial branches, that is, of the extractive, manufacturing, production and distribution activities of electrical energy, water and gas, and for the first time for base 2010, division 36 as well: Water collection, filtering and distribution, from section E in CNAE-2009.

This indicator reflects the joint evolution of quantity and quality, eliminating the influence of prices.

In order obtain the IPI, a continuous survey is conducted, each month researching more than 11,500 establishments, for which information is obtained on representative products from all branches of activity.

The IPI methodology is fully harmonised with that of European Union countries.

Base 2021

The IPI base 2021 has eliminated the divisions 05: Extraction of anthracite, coal and lignite and 06: Extraction of crude oil and gas. The sample has been updated as well as the weighting structure.

The calendar effect

The IPI is presented as the original series, and as the series adjusted for calendar effects. This adjustment is carried out in order to eliminate the influence on the number of working days and the number of holidays in the different Autonomous Communities, and thus be able to carry out homogeneous comparisons between the months of different years. The seasonality of the series is also corrected since the base 2010.

IPI weightings

The complete weighting structure has been updated at all levels of functional and geographical breakdown, in order to represent industrial activity more precisely. The Structural Business Survey 2021 has been used, which provides information on the added value of each branch of activity to four digits of the CNAE 2009 and the Annual Industrial Product Survey 2021, which reports the production value of each product within each class of the CNAE 2009.

The weightings of the Large Industrial Sectors of the IPI are as follows:

Economic destination Weighthings
Goods 25.58
Non-durable consumer goods 23.41
Consumer goods 2.17
Energy 18.93
Capital goods 22.23
Intermediate goods 33.31
GENERAL 100.00