Results by Autonomous Community Tables according to approach by sectors

Main R+D indicators in high tech sectors by Autonomous Communities, type of indicator and total / %.

Units:Expenditure: Thousands of euros and Personnel: (FTE) Full Time Equivalent
  • Select values to consult
    • Selected:18
    • Selected:2
    • Selected:2
  • Choose format of the table
      • Type of indicator
      • Total / %
      • Autonomous Communities
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  • Notes
    • 1) Source: Tecnológico Statistics on research and experimental development (R&D) activities.

      Data for Ceuta and Melilla are not provided due to lack of meaning.

      High technology sector, according to NACE 2009: 20, 21, 25.4, 26, 27-29, 30 except 30.1, 32.5, 59-63 y 72.

      The change of nomenclature in the literals is for clarity and not a methodological change.
Total: 0seriesy 0cells
  • Source:National Statistics Institute