Disabilities, Impairments and State of Health Absolute figures

Population with disabilities, according to group of disability and the maximum degree of severity (with assistance), by Autonomous Community, age and sex.

Units:thousands of persons 6 years old and over
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      • Age
      • Sex
      • Autonomous Community
      • Group of disability
      • Maximum degree of severity (with assistance)
      . . .
      . . .
      . . .
  • Notes
    • 1) A person may have disabilities from more than one group of disability
      2) The data corresponding to cells with fewer than 5000 persons must be viewed with caution, because it may be affected by by large sampling errors, with the exception of the Autonomous Communities of Andalucía, Aragón and Navarra, in which the reference values shall be 2800, 2300 and 1500 persons, respectively.

Total: 0seriesy 0cells
  • Source:National Statistics Institute