Difficulties and access to information to participate in education REASONS THAT HINDER PARTICIPATION IN EDUCATION

Persons aged 18-69 who do not consider the education in which they participated as sufficient according to the main reason that made it difficult for them to participate in another educational activity in the last 12 months by gender and highest level of education attained

Units:porcentajes horizontales
  • Select values to consult
    • Selected:3
    • Selected:4
    • Selected:15
  • Choose format of the table
      • Motivo principal que dificultó su participación
      • Sexo
      • Máximo nivel de estudios alcanzado
      . . .
      . . .
      . . .
  • Notes
    • 1) '..'= Dato con un número de observaciones inferior a 20
Total: 0seriesy 0cells
  • Source:Instituto Nacional de Estadística