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Research and development
Science and technology
Statistics on Biotechnology Use
Statistics on Biotechnology Use
Results year 2023
National Summary
National Summary
Total Sectors
Biotechnology indicators by execution sector.
Specified in each variable
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Indicator type
Values that contain
Units carrying out R&D in Biotechnology
% Units by type of biotechnology used: Genetic Code
% Units by type of biotechnology used: Functional Units
% Units by type of biotechnology used: Cell and Tissue Culture and Engineering
% Units by type of biotechnology used: Bioprocesses
% Units by type of biotechnology used: Subcellular Organisms
% Units by type of biotechnology used: Bioinformatics
% Units by type of biotechnology used: Nanobiotechnology
% Units by type of biotechnology used: Other
Units in which biotechnology activities are: Main and/or exclusive
Units in which biotechnology activities are: A secondary business line
Units in which biotechnology activities are: A necessary tool for production
% Units by final application areas of biotechnology use: Human Health
% Units by final application areas of biotechnology use: Animal Health and Aquaculture
% Units by final application areas of biotechnology use: Food Products
% Units by final application areas of biotechnology use: Agriculture and Forestry
% Units by final application areas of biotechnology use: Environment
% Units by final application areas of biotechnology use: Industry
R&D personnel in Biotechnology (PP)
R&D personnel in Biotechnology (PP): Research personnel
R&D personnel in Biotechnology (PP): Technical and auxiliary personnel
R&D personnel in Biotechnology (PP). Women
R&D personnel in Biotechnology (PP). Women: Research personnel
R&D personnel in Biotechnology (PP). Women: Technical and auxiliary personnel
R&D personnel in Biotechnology (FTE)
R&D personnel in Biotechnology (FTE): Research personnel
R&D personnel in Biotechnology (FTE): Technical and auxiliary personnel
R&D personnel in Biotechnology (FTE). Women
R&D personnel in Biotechnology (FTE). Women: Research personnel
R&D personnel in Biotechnology (FTE). Women: Technical and auxiliary personnel
Expenditure on internal R&D in Biotechnology (thousands of euros)
1) By type of expenditure: Current expenditure
1.1) Labour expenditure of research personnel
1.2) Labour expenditure of technical and auxiliary personnel
1.3) Other current expenditure
2) By type of expenditure: Capital expenditure
2.1) Land and buildings
2.2) Equipment and tools
2.3) Acquisition of specific R&D software
2.4) Other R&D-specific IP products
1.1) By origin of funds: Own funds
1.2) By origin of funds: Funds from the Business sector
1.3) By origin of funds: Funds from the Public Administration sector
1.4) By origin of funds: Funds from the Higher Education sector
1.5) By origin of funds: Funds from the Private Non-Profit Institutions sector
1.6) By origin of funds: Funds from the rest of the world
Purchase of R&D services (external R&D) in Biotechnology (thousands of euros)
Purchase of R&D services (external R&D) in Biotechnology (thousands of euros): In Spain
Purchase of R&D services (external R&D) in Biotechnology (thousands of euros): In the rest of the world
% Units that consider the following obstacles to the development of biotechnologies as very important: Access to capital
% Units that consider the following obstacles to the development of biotechnologies as very important: Access to technology/information
% Units that consider the following obstacles to the development of biotechnologies as very important: Access to human resources
% Units that consider the following obstacles to the development of biotechnologies as very important: Disconnection from the value chain
% Units that consider the following obstacles to the development of biotechnologies as very important: Lack of access to international markets
% Units that consider the following obstacles to the development of biotechnologies as very important: Lack of distribution and marketing channels
% Units that consider the following obstacles to the development of biotechnologies as very important: Public acceptance/perception
% Units that consider the following obstacles to the development of biotechnologies as very important: Legal and regulatory requirements
% Units that consider the following obstacles to the development of biotechnologies as very important: Time/cost
% Units that consider the following obstacles to the development of biotechnologies as very important: Difficult access to patenting
Execution Sectors
Values that contain
Public Administration
Higher Education
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By default
1) Data referring to all companies and organisations that carry out internal R&D in Biotechnology. 2) ' .'= numeric data equal to zero not resulting from rounding 3) FTE: Full-Time Equivalence
Source:National Statistics Institute