Electoral Census
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Living conditions
Time Use Survey
Time Use Survey 2009-2010
% of persons who carry out the activity during the course of the day, and the average daily time
VOLUNTEER WORK AND MEETINGS: Volunteer work for an organisation: Main variables and sex
percentage of persons and average daily length of time in hours and minutes
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Main variables
Values that contain
Type of day of the week: Monday to Thursday
Type of day of the week: Friday to Sunday
- Friday
- Saturday
- Sunday
Quarter of the year: 1st quarter (January-March)
Quarter of the year: 2nd quarter (April-June)
Quarter of the year: 3rd quarter (July-September)
Quarter of the year: 4th quarter (October-December)
Type of day for completing the diary: Customary
Type of day for completing the diary: Unusual
Type of household in which they live: One-person household
Type of household in which they live: Couple alone
Type of household in which they live: Couple with children
Type of household in which they live: Father or mother alone, with at least one child
Type of household in which they live: Another type of household
Size of the household in which they live: 1-member household
Size of the household in which they live: 2-member household
Size of the household in which they live: 3-member household
Size of the household in which they live: 4-member household
Size of the household in which they live: Household with 5 or more members
Children under 10 years of age in the household: With children under 10
Children under 10 years of age in the household: Without children under 10
Dependent adults in the household: With dependent adults in the household
Dependent adults in the household: Without dependent adults in the household
Children under 18 years of age in another household: With children under 18 in another household
Children under 18 years of age in another household: Without children under 18 in another household
Domestic service in the household in which they live: With domestic service
Domestic service in the household in which they live: Without domestic service
Average net monthly household income of the household in which they live: 1,200 euros or less
Average net monthly household income of the household in which they live: 1,201 to 2,000 euros
Average net monthly household income of the household in which they live: 2,001 to 3,000 euros
Average net monthly household income of the household in which they live: More than 3,000 euros
Average net monthly household income of the household in which they live: Does not know/does not answer
Type of municipality in which they live: Provincial capitals or municipalities with more than 100,000 inhabitants
Type of municipality in which they live: Municipalities with 50,000 to 100,000 inhabitants
Type of municipality in which they live: Municipalities with 20,000 to 50,000 inhabitants
Type of municipality in which they live: Municipalities with 10,000 to 20,000 inhabitants
Type of municipality in which they live: Municipalities with fewer than 10,000 inhabitants
Age: Under 25 years of age
- 10 to 15 years old
- 16 to 24 years old
Age: 25 to 44 years old
Age: 45 to 64 years old
Age: 65 years of age or over
Educational level attained: Without studies
Educational level attained: Primary studies or the equivalent
Educational level attained: 1st stage Secondary studies (first year of GCSE or the equivalent)
Educational level attained: Post-Secondary studies (Post-Secondary Graduate, Secondary school, Post-secondary non-higher education, Pre-University Course)
Educational level attained: Intermediate vocational training
Educational level attained: Advanced vocational training
Educational level attained: First-cycle university studies
Educational level attained: Second- or third-cycle university studies
Perceived state of health: Very good
Perceived state of health: Good
Perceived state of health: Fair or acceptable
Perceived state of health: Poor
Perceived state of health: Very poor
Country of birth: Spain
Country of birth: Outside of Spain
- A country in the European Union
- Another country
Nationality: Spanish
Nationality: Foreign
- From a country in the European Union
- From another country (including stateless)
Legal marital status: Single
Legal marital status: Married
Legal marital status: Widowed
Legal marital status: Separated or Divorced
Cohabitation as a couple: Currently living together as a couple
Cohabitation as a couple: Not currently living together as a couple
Relationship with economic activity and professional status with regard to the main job: Active persons
Relationship with economic activity and professional status with regard to the main job: Employed persons
- Employer or businessperson without employees
- Wage earners (employees)
Relationship with economic activity and professional status with regard to the main job: Unemployed persons
Relationship with economic activity and professional status with regard to the main job: Inactive persons
Relationship with economic activity and professional status with regard to the main job: Students
Relationship with economic activity and professional status with regard to the main job: Retired persons or pensioners
Relationship with economic activity and professional status with regard to the main job: Homemakers
Type of working day of employed persons: Full time
Type of working day of employed persons: Part time
Type of working day of employed persons: Full day's work with no lunch break
Type of working day of employed persons: Split shift
Secondary job: With a secondary job
Secondary job: Without a secondary job
Type of employee contract: With a permanent contract
Type of employee contract: With a temporary contract
Occupation in the main job of employed persons: Management of companies and Public Administrations
Occupation in the main job of employed persons: Scientific and intellectual technicians and professionals
Occupation in the main job of employed persons: Support technicians and professionals
Occupation in the main job of employed persons: Administrative-type employees
Occupation in the main job of employed persons: Services workers and salespersons
Occupation in the main job of employed persons: Skilled workers in agriculture and fishing
Occupation in the main job of employed persons: Craftsmen and those qualified in manufacturing, construction and the mining industry
Occupation in the main job of employed persons: Installation and machinery operators and assemblers
Occupation in the main job of employed persons: Unskilled workers
Occupation in the main job of employed persons: Armed forces
Activity of the establishment of the main job: A. Agriculture, livestock breeding, forestry and fishing
Activity of the establishment of the main job: B. Mining and quarrying industries
Activity of the establishment of the main job: C. Manufacturing industry
Activity of the establishment of the main job: D. Supply of electrical energy, gas, steam and air conditioning
Activity of the establishment of the main job: E. Water supply, waste management and decontamination activities
Activity of the establishment of the main job: F. Construction
Activity of the establishment of the main job: G. Sale and repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles
Activity of the establishment of the main job: H. Transport and storage
Activity of the establishment of the main job: I. Accommodation
Activity of the establishment of the main job: J. Information and communications
Activity of the establishment of the main job: K. Financial and insurance activities
Activity of the establishment of the main job: L. Real estate activities
Activity of the establishment of the main job: M. Professional, scientific and technical activities
Activity of the establishment of the main job: N. Administrative and support service activities
Activity of the establishment of the main job: O. Public Administration, Defence and Compulsory Social Security
Activity of the establishment of the main job: P. Education
Activity of the establishment of the main job: Q. Health and social services activities
Activity of the establishment of the main job: R. Artistic, recreational and entertainment activities
Activity of the establishment of the main job: S. Other services
Activity of the establishment of the main job: T. Private households with employed domestic service (housekeeping staff)
Activity of the establishment of the main job: U. Activities of extraterritorial organisations and bodies
Values that contain
Both sexes
Persons and average daily length of time: Select hours and minutes
Values that contain
Persons (%)
average daily length of time (hours)
average daily length of time (minutes)
Choose format of the table
Persons and average daily length of time: Select hours and minutes
Main variables
Decimals to show:
By default
'.'= Null item of data with a number of observations less than 30 '-'= A minus sign before a non-null item of data indicates a number of observations less than 30 '..'= Missing data
'.'= Null item of data with a number of observations less than 30 '-'= A minus sign before a non-null item of data indicates a number of observations less than 30 '..'= Missing data
Source:National Statistics Institute