Electoral Census
Electronic Office
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Living conditions
Household Budget Survey. Base 2006
Household Budget Survey
Serie 2006 - 2015. Population base 2011 Census
National results
Total expenditure and average expenditure of households
Total expenditure and average expenditure of households
Total expenditure, average expenditure and percentage distribution by different levels of functional breakdown
Total and average expenditure and percentage distribution of total expenditure by expenditure codes (5 digits).
Euros, Thousands Euros, %
Select values to consult
Expenditure codes (5 digits)
Values that contain
01111 Rice
01112 Bread
01113 Other bakery products
01114 Pasta food
01115 Bakery products and cakes
01116 Sandwiches
01117 Other cereal-based products not previously included
01121 Fresh, refrigerated or frozen bovine meat
01122 Fresh, refrigerated or frozen pork meat
01123 Fresh, refrigerated or frozen ovine and caprine meat
01124 Fresh, refrigerated or frozen poultry meat
01125 Repair and hire of footwear
01126 Prepared meat and other products containing meat
01127 Other edible meats (fresh and frozen)
01128 Trimmings, fetlock joints and inferior meat cuts
01131 Fresh or refrigerated fish
01132 Frozen fish
01133 Fresh, refrigerated or frozen crustaceans and molluscs
01134 Dry, smoked and salted fish and seafood
01135 Other processed or preserved fish and seafood and food made from fish and seafood
01141 Full cream milk
01142 Semi skimmed and fully skimmed milk
01143 Canned milk
01144 Yoghurts and fermented milk
01145 Cheese and curd
01146 Other milk based products
01147 Eggs
01151 Butter
01152 Margarine and other vegetable fats
01153 Olive oil
01154 Other edible oils
01155 Other animal fats
01161 Citrus fruit (fresh, refrigerated or frozen)
01162 Bananas (fresh, refrigerated or frozen)
01163 Apples (fresh, refrigerated or frozen)
01164 Pears (fresh, refrigerated or frozen)
01165 Fruit with stones (fresh, refrigerated or frozen)
01166 Olives
01167 Berries (fresh, refrigerated or frozen)
01168 Other fruit (fresh, refrigerated or frozen)
01169 Dried fruit
01160 Prepared fruit and fruit conserve
01171 Leaf or stalk vegetables (fresh or refrigerated)
01172 Coles (fresh or refrigerated)
01173 Vegetables cultivated for their fruit (fresh or refrigerated)
01174 Vegetables with a root or bulb and flat mushrooms (fresh or refrigerated)
01175 Dried pulses and vegetables
01176 Frozen vegetables
01177 Prepared or tinned pulses and vegetables and other products using pulses and vegetables
01178 Potatoes
01179 Products derived from potatoes, tapioca and other tubers
01181 Sugar
01182 Jam, marmelade and honey
01183 Chocolate bar
01184 Sweets
01185 Ice Creams
01186 Other sugar based products
01191 Sauces and condiments
01192 Salt, spices and cooking herbs
01193 Soups, preparations for desserts and yeast
01194 Baby food
01195 Diet products
01196 Other food products not included previously
01211 Coffee
01212 Tea and infusions
01213 Cocoa
01221 Mineral water
01222 Carbonated or still soft drinks
01223 Fruit juices
01224 Vegetable juices
02111 Spirits and liquors
02121 Grape wines and other fermented fruits
02122 Other wines
02131 Beer
02211 Cigarettes
02212 Cigars
02213 Other tobacco
02311 Narcotics
03111 Fabrics
03121 Men's clothing manufactured or made-to-measure
03122 Women's clothing manufactured or made-to-measure
03123 Children's (from 2 to 13 years) and babies' clothing (under 2 years) manufactured or made-to-measure
03131 Haberdashery articles
03132 Other articles of clothing and accessories (other than haberdashery, and not used for playing sports)
03141 Repair, cleaning and hiring of clothing
03211 Men's footwear
03212 Women's footwear
03213 Children's (from 2 to 13 years) and babies' (under 2 years) footwear
03221 Repair and hire of footwear
04111 Real rents (main dwelling)
04121 Real rents (other dwellings)
04131 Garage rental (main dwelling owned or free of charge)
04132 Garage rental (other dwellings owned or free of charge)
04133 Other rentals (junk rooms, etc)
04211 Rent of the owned dwelling (main dwelling)
04212 Rent of the owned dwelling (other dwellings belonging to the home)
04221 Rent of the owned dwelling, granted free of charge or at a low price
04222 Rent of other dwellings belonging to the home, granted free of charge or at a low price
04311 Material for current maintenance and repairs in the dwelling when the repair is undertaken by the actual household
04321 Current maintenance services and repairs in the dwelling
04411 Cold water distribution (main dwelling)
04412 Cold water distribution (other dwellings; garages and storage rooms not attached to the main dwelling, etc)
04421 Rubbish collection service (main dwelling)
04422 Rubbish collection service (other dwellings; garages and storage rooms not attached to the main dwelling, etc)
04431 Sewerage services (main dwelling)
04432 Sewerage services (other dwellings; garages and storage rooms not attached to the main dwelling, etc)
04441 Community costs (main dwelling)
04442 Community costs (other dwellings; garages and storage rooms not attached to the main dwelling, etc)
04443 Community-related services for the main dwelling (except community costs)
04444 Community-related services for other dwellings, garages, annexes, etc. (except community costs)
04511 Electricity (main dwelling)
04512 Electricity (other dwellings; garages and storage rooms not attached to the main dwelling, etc)
04521 Manufactured and natural gas (main dwelling)
04522 Manufactured and natural gas (other dwellings)
04523 Liquid gas (main dwelling)
04524 Liquid gas (other dwellings)
04531 Motorbikes and mopeds
04532 Liquid fuels (other dwellings)
04541 Solid fuels (main dwelling)
04542 Solid fuels (other dwellings)
04551 Central heating and hot water, steam and ice
05111 Large furniture
05112 Articles of furniture (lamps, pictures, hangers,...)
05121 Carpets or other floor covering
05131 Repairs to furniture, carpets and floor covering and purchasing of furniture accessories
05211 Household textile articles and repairs thereof (except curtains, net curtains, matresses and sunshades)
05212 Curtains, net curtains, matresses and sunshades
05311 Refrigerators, freezers and fridge-freezers
05312 Washing machines, tumble driers, clothes presses and dishwashers
05313 Cookers, ovens and microwaves
05314 Heating and air-conditioning devices
05315 Cleaning devices
05316 Sewing and knitting machines
05317 Other large household equipment
05321 Small electrical appliances
05331 Repairs and accessories for all household equipment
05411 Articles of glass and crystal, dinner service and household utensils
05412 Cutlery
05413 Kitchen utensils and furniture and (unmotorised) household equipment and other household articles
05414 Repair of articles of glass and crystal, dinner service, cutlery and other household utensils
05511 Large electric tools and repairs thereof
05521 Small electrical accessories
05522 Small tools and non-electrical accessories and repairs thereof
05611 Cleaning and maintenance products
05612 Other perishable articles for the household
05621 Domestic service (excluding Social Security payments)
05622 Domestic service Social Security payments
05623 Other services for the dwelling (dry-cleaning, furniture hire, disinfection, etc)
06111 Pharmaceutical products
06112 Other medical products
06113 Devices and therapeutical material
06211 Medical services
06221 Dentist services
06231 Clinical analysis services and X ray centres
06232 Non-hospital auxiliary medical services
06233 Other non-hospital services
06311 Hospital services
07111 New cars
07112 Second-hand cars
07121 Motorbikes and mopeds
07131 Bicycles
07211 Purchase of spare parts and accessories for personal vehicles for repairs undertaken in the home
07221 Fuels and lubricants
07231 Maintenance and repairs undertaken in the workshop
07232 Technical inspection of vehicles
07241 Personal vehicle parking service
07242 Personal vehicle toll service
07243 Services regarding personal vehicles (except parking and tolls, workshop repairs and technical inspection of vehicles
07311 Local trains (distances no greater than 50 km)
07312 Long-distance trains (distances greater than 50 km) Rail transport which cannot be broken down
07313 Underground and tram (tickets and season tickets used only for this transport)
07321 Non-school city bus and taxi
07322 Non-school intercity bus and taxi
07323 School transport
07331 Air transport
07341 Passenger transport by sea and inland water transport
07351 Transport season ticket (for more than one means of transport)
07361 Other transport, removal and storage services
08111 Postal and courrier services
08211 Telephone and fax equipment
08311 Telegraph, fax and public telephone services
08312 Landlines
08313 Mobile phones
08314 Internet-related services
09111 Sound receiving, recording and reproducing apparatus
09112 Televisions and videos
09121 Photographic and cinematographic equipment
09122 Optical instruments
09131 Information processing material
09141 Support for recording sound, image and data
09151 Repairs of audiovisual, photographic, and information processing equipment and accessories
09211 Large sports and outdoor recreation equipment
09221 Musical instruments
09222 Large sports and indoor recreation equipment
09231 Maintenance and repair of major equipment
09311 Games, toys and hobbies and small musical instruments
09321 Equipment for sport, camping and outdoor leisure and repairs thereof
09331 Gardening and flowers
09341 Purchasing of pets
09342 Articles related to pets
09411 Recreational and sporting services
09421 Dancing, cinema, theatre and shows
09422 Museums, botanical gardens, libraries and similar
09423 Radio and television licence quotas; subscription to cable and satellite networks
09424 Television and video rental
09425 Services for private functions, photographic services, pet services, etc.
09431 Gambling
09511 Books other than textbooks
09512 Higher education textbooks
09513 Other textbooks
09521 Press
09531 Other printed matter
09541 Stationery and painting articles
09611 All inclusive holidays
10111 Pre-school education first cycle
10112 Pre-school education second cycle
10121 Primary education
10211 Obligatory secondary education
10221 Post-Secondary Education
10311 Intermediate vocational training
10312 Intermediate level special education
10411 University education and equivalent
10412 Advanced level vocational training
10511 Education not specified by level in relation to the education system
10512 Education not specified by level not in relation to the education system
11111 Set meal in restaurants
11112 Lunch and dinner in restaurants
11113 Consumption in bars and cafés
11114 Consumption in pubs and discos
11115 Banquets, ceremonies and celebrations outside the home
11121 Canteens and cafeterias
11122 School canteens and university refectories
11211 Accommodation services in hotels and the similar
11212 Other accommodation services (for reasons other than education)
11213 Accommodation services for reasons other than education
12111 Hairdressing and beauty services
12121 Electrical devices for personal care and repair thereof
12122 Non-electrical devices for personal care and repair thereof toiletry products
12131 Prostitution and similar
12211 Jewellery, imitation jewellery and time-keeping instruments
12221 Travel articles, handbags and personal bags
12222 Articles for babies
12223 Articles for smokers, undertakers and other personal articles except travel articles and hadbags
12311 Social protection services
12312 Services received outside educational centres for children of any age (nursery schools, kindergartens, etc.)
12421 Insurance for the dwelling
12431 Private insurance services in case of illness
12441 Insurance for transport
12451 Civil responsibility insurance (except that deriving from personal vehicles)
12461 Burial insurance
12511 Financial Services not declared in another section
12611 Legal and notary services, undertaker's, reprography, typing services, etc.
12612 Fees for issuing official documents and legal costs
12711 Pocket money for children resident in the home
12811 Consignments to household members not resident in the dwelling
Medium and total expenditure, and percent distribution
Values that contain
Total expenditure
Percentage distribution
Average expenditure per household
Average expenditure per person
Average expenditure per consumer unit
Valores que comienzan por...
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Medium and total expenditure, and percent distribution
Expenditure codes (5 digits)
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Notes ( 2 )
The modified OECD scale has been used to calculate consumer units.
Estimations of cells with no data can¿t be given due to lack of representativeness.