National results Main destination of the trips (abroad Autonomous Community)

Travels, overnight stays, average stay and expenditure by type of main accommodation, according to main destination (abroad and Autonomous Communities)

Units: Euros, Thousands Euros, Days, %, Rates, Overnight stays, Travels
  • Select values to consult
    • Selected:21
    • Selected:1
    • Selected:1
    • Selected:1
    • Selected:1
  • Choose format of the table
      • Touristic concept
      • Type of data
      • Period
      • Destination
      • Type of accommodation
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  • Notes ( 2 )
    • The disaggregated data for Q2 2020 abroad are not published due to lack of sample support.
    • The data for Q1, Q2, Q3 and Q4 of the year 2018 are final following publication of the corresponding quarters for 2019.
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