Indicators on the profitability of the hotel sector Indicators on the Profitability of the Hotel Sector. National, AC, provinces, tourist sites and areas.

Average Daily Rate (ADR) National and breakdown by categories

Units: Euros, Rates
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  • Notes ( 4 )
    • Due to different updates in the establishments directory, data from different years are not directly comparable. Data link coefficients are available for these periods: July2010-February2012.
    • Se ha corregido el dato relativo a las tasas de variación del Indicador de Rentabilidad el Sector Hotelero (IRSH) correspondiente al mes de enero 2018, en las diferentes tablas publicadas
    • Due to the small number of open hotel establishments, the Hotel Sector Profitability Indicators for May 2020 are not published, nor are the annual variation rates for May 2021.
    • The data of June 2023 and later are provisional.
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