Electoral Census
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Security and justice
Conviction Statistics: Adults
Conviction Statistics: Adults
National results
National results
Convicted. All crimes
Offences according to type
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Type of crime
Values that contain
A Delitos
1 Homicide and its forms
2 Abortion
3 Injury
4 Injuries to the foetus
5 Genetic manipulation
6 Against freedom
6.1 Illegal detentions and kidnapping
6.2 Threats
6.3 Coercion
7 Torture and moral integrity
7 BIS Trafficking in human beings
8 Against freedom and respect of sexuality
8.1 Sexual assaults
8.2 Sexual abuse
8.2 BIS Sexual abuse and assault of minors under 16 years of age
8.3 Sexual harassment
8.4 Exhibitionism and sexual provocation
8.5 Prostitution and the corruption of minors
9 Failure to provide assistance
10 Against privacy, the right to one's own image
10.1 Discovery and disclosure of secrets
10.2 Breaking and entering
11 Against honour
11.1 Slander
11.2 Verbal abuse
12 Domestic violence
12.1 Illegal matrimony
12.2 Presumption of childbirth and alteration of paternity
12.3 Against family rights and duties
13 Misrepresentation of net wealth and against the socio-economic order
13.1 Theft
13.2 Robberies
13.3 Extortion
13.4 Aggravated robbery
13.5 Impersonation
13.6 Fraud
13.7 Impeding enforcement
13.7 BIS Punishable insolvency
13.8 Price-fixing in public tenders and auctions
13.9 Damages
13.11 Intellectual and industrial property
13.12 From the subtraction of personal property to its social or cultural utility
13.13 Corporate crime
13.14 Receiving and laundering money
14 Against the Public Treasury and Social Security
15 Against the rights of workers
15 BIS Against the rights of foreign citizens
16 Land planning, urban planning, protection of historical heritage and the environment
16.1 Land planning and urban planning
16.2 Historic heritage
16.3 Natural resources and the environment
16.4 Protection of flora, fauna and pets
17 Against collective safety
17.1 Crimes of catastrophic risk
17.2 Fire
17.3 Against public health
17.4 Against road safety
18 Forgeries
18.1 Forgery of currency and stamps
18.2 Document forgeries
18.3 Fabrication or possession of instruments used in forgery
18.4 Impersonation of civil status
18.5 Impersonation of public functions
19 Against Public Administration
19.1 Prevarication of public officials
19.2 Desertion
19.3 Disobedience and failure to provide assistance
19.4 Disloyalty in the custody of documents
19.5 Bribery
19.6 Influence peddling
19.7 Embezzlement
19.8 Fraud and illegal levies
19.9 Business transactions forbidden for civil servants
20 Against the Administration of Justice
20.1 Prevarication
20.2 Failure to comply with the duty to prevent crimes
20.3 Concealment
20.4 Arbitrary exercise of personal rights
20.5 False accusation and allegations and simulation of crimes
20.6 False testimony
20.7 Obstruction of justice
20.8 Breach of sentence
20.9 Against the Administration of Justice of the International Criminal Court
21 Against the Constitution
21.1 Rebellion
21.2 Against the Crown
21.3 Against State Institutions
21.4 Exercise of fundamental rights
21.5 Committed by public officials against individual freedom
21.6 Offence to Spain
22 Against the public order
22.1 Sedition
22.2 Aggravated assault on officers and resisting arrest and disobedience
22.3 Public disorder
22.5 Possession, trafficking, storage of weapons and explosives
22.6 Criminal organisations and groups
22.7 Terrorist organisations and groups and acts of terrorism
23 Treason, against peace and national defence
23.1 Treason
23.2 Which compromise the peace or independence of the State
23.3 Discovery and disclosure of secrets
24 Against the International Community
24.1 Against the law of nations
24.2 Genocide
24.2 BIS Crimes against humanity
24.3 Against protected persons and property
L1 Organic Law Against Smuggling
L2 Organic Law of the General Electoral System
L3 Criminal and Procedural Law on Air Navigation
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Notes ( 4 )
El 10 de enero de 2019, debido a un error detectado, se ha corregido la tabla del año 2017 relativa a los delitos correspondientes de los Capítulos del Título 8
Source: INE processing of the Central Registry of Convicts
La Ley Orgánica 10/2022, de 6 de septiembre, de garantía integral de la libertad sexual, eliminó del Código Penal el delito de abuso sexual y la referencia a la indemnidad sexual, fusionando, bajo la denominación de agresión sexual, los anteriores delitos de abuso sexual y de agresión sexual. Sin embargo, dado que en un año se juzgan casos acaecidos tanto ese año como en anteriores (que pueden ser juzgados según la legislación anterior), durante unos años pueden seguir apareciendo casos de abuso sexual.
In July 2015, a reform of the Criminal Code came into force eliminating misdemeanours and turning them into minor offences.