Detailed results Employed persons

Employed persons by age group, sex and professional situation

Units:Thousands Persons
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      • Age
      • Period
      • Sex
      • Occupational status
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  • Notes ( 2 )
    • As of the first quarter of 2007, the "type of administration" variable enconding has followed a strictly institutional criteria, derived from an exhaustive identificative relationship of the bodies belonging to the Social Security.

      Up until the fourth quarter of 2006, a mixed functional-institutional criteria was applied, in a way such that, the Social Security category was including bodies providing social or health services which were organically dependant of other administrations (Central or Autonomic).

      On practice, although said circumstance does not affect homogeneity of the results of total wage earners in the public sector series, it does, however, represent a rupture in the result series for the aforementioned categories of the type of administration variable. Specifically, since the first quarter of 2007, there has been a re-distribution of public sector wage earners belonging to the Social Security, most of which become, due to the application of the aforementioned criteria, wage earners of autonomic administrations.
    • 'Series breakdown in the variable of profesional situation in the 1Q-2009. For more information, go to "" (attached document) 'Change of questions on professional situation in the EAPS-2009'
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