Datos de alto valor (HVD) Poverty

Risk of poverty or social exclusion (Europe 2030 target) by level of education achieved (persons aged 16 and over).

Units: %
  • Select values to consult
    • Selected:6
    • Selected:1
    • Selected:10
  • Choose format of the table
      • Period
      • Level of education attained
      • Rate of risk of poverty or social exclusion (Europe 2030 goal) (and its components)
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  • Notes ( 3 )
    • In the Living Conditions Survey, the inputs used for the calculation of variables such as income and at-risk-of-poverty rate always correspond to the previous year.
    • Educational level attained:
      Primary education or lower: This includes illiterate persons
      First-stage secondary education: This includes training and equivalent labour insertion
      Second-stage secondary education: This includes training and equivalent labour insertion (including that which requires a second-stage secondary education qualification)
      Higher education: This includes training and equivalent labour insertion
    • The population at risk of poverty or social exclusion is that which is in one of these situations:
      - At risk of poverty (60% of the median income per consumption unit).
      - With severe material deprivation (with deprivation in at least 4 concepts from a list of 9).
      - In households without employment, or with low employment intensity (households in which the members of working age did so for less than 20% of their work potential during the reference year).
Total: 0seriesy 0cells