Business Confidence Indicators. Base 1º quarter 2013 Status, expectations and confidence index

Size establishments results

Units: %, Index
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  • Notes
    • Notes:
      1) Situation: Harmonised situation indicator. It is the difference or balance between the percentage of favourable and unfavourable responses relating the ending quarter.
      The Situation may vary between -100 and +100.
      AN EXAMPLE WITH FICTITIOUS DATA: Opinions regarding the previous quarter.
      As for responses regarding the ending quarter, 55% of establishments had a favourable opinion about the past progress of their business in the first quarter, versus 25% that had an unfavourable opinion.
      The difference between these percentages of favourable and unfavourable responses referring to the ending quarter, which is called 'Situation', stands at +30 points.

      2)Expectations: Harmonised expectation indicator. It collects the difference or balance between the percentage of favourable and unfavourable response regarding the beginning quarter.
      The expectations may vary between -100 and +100.
      AN EXAMPLE WITH FICTITIOUS DATA: Opinions regarding the beginning quarter
      65% of establishments state to be optimistic about the progress of their business regarding the starting quarter, whereas 23% are pessimistic.
      The difference between the percentage of favourable and unfavourable responses, which is called 'Expectations', stands at +42 points.

      3)HBCI: Harmonised Business Confidence Index. It was built from a conveniently normalised geometric average between the Situation and the Expectations.
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