Quarterly non-financial accounts for the institutional sectors. 2019 Review S2. Rest of the world


Units:Million Euros
  • Select values to consult
    • Selected:9
    • Selected:1
    • Selected:1
    • Selected:1
    • Selected:1
  • Choose format of the table
      • Operations and balances
      • Resources and uses
      • Type of data
      • Levels and rates
      • Period
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  • Notes ( 2 )
    • The rest of the world is not a sector in itself. It is treated as such in the account system in order to reflect all transactions carried out by resident units with non-resident units in the national economy.
    • The accounts for the rest of the world are prepared from the point of view of the rest of the world (a national economy resource is a job for the rest of the world and vice versa)
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