Electoral Census
Electronic Office
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Consumer price and housing indices
Standard of living and living conditions (CPI)
Consumer Price Index
Consumer Price Index. Base 2021. Weights
Consumer Price Index. Base 2021. Weights
National results
Subclass weightings
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Overall index
01111 Rice
01112 Flours and other cereals
01113 Bread
01114 Other bakery products
01115 Pizza and quiche
01116 Pasta products and couscous
01117 Breakfast cereals
01118 Other cereal products
01121 Beef and veal
01122 Pork
01123 Lamb and goat
01124 Poultry
01125 Other meats
01126 Edible offal
01127 Dried, salted or smoked meat
01128 Other meat preparations
01131 Fresh or chilled fish
01132 Frozen fish
01133 Fresh or chilled seafood
01134 Frozen seafood
01135 Dried, smoked or salted fish and seafood
01136 Other preserved or processed fish and seafood-based preparations
01141 Milk, whole, fresh
01142 Milk, low fat, fresh
01144 Yoghurt
01145 Cheese
01146 Other milk products
01147 Eggs
01151 Butter
01153 Olive oil
01154 Other edible oils
01161 Fresh or chilled fruit
01163 Dried fruit and nuts
01164 Preserved fruit and fruit-based products
01171 Fresh or chilled vegetables other than potatoes and other tubers
01172 Frozen vegetables other than potatoes and other tubers
01173 Dried vegetables, other preserved or processed vegetables
01174 Potatoes
01175 Crisps
01181 Sugar
01182 Jams, marmalades and honey
01183 Chocolate
01184 Confectionery products
01185 Edible ices and ice cream
01191 Sauces, condiments
01192 Salt, spices and culinary herbs
01193 Baby food
01194 Ready-made meals
01199 Other food products n.e.c.
01211 Coffee
01212 Tea
01213 Cocoa and powdered chocolate
01221 Mineral or spring waters
01222 Soft drinks
01223 Fruit and vegetable juices
02111 Spirits and liqueurs
02121 Wine from grapes
02131 Lager beer
02132 Other alcoholic beer
02133 Low and non-alcoholic beer
02201 Cigarettes
02202 Cigars
02203 Other tobacco products
03121 Garments for men
03122 Garments for women
03123 Garments for infants (0 to 2 years) and children (3 to 13 years)
03131 Other articles of clothing
03211 Footwear for men
03212 Footwear for women
03213 Footwear for infants and children
04110 Actual rentals paid by tenants
04121 Actual rentals paid by tenants for secondary residences
04122 Garage rentals and other rentals paid by tenants
04310 Materials for the maintenance and repair of the dwelling
04321 Services of plumbers
04322 Services of electricians
04324 Services of painters
04325 Services of carpenters
04329 Other services for maintenance and repair of the dwelling
04410 Water supply
04420 Refuse collection
04430 Sanitation
04441 Community expenses
04510 Electricity
04521 Natural gas and town gas
04522 Liquefied hydrocarbons (butane, propane, etc.)
04530 Liquid fuels
05111 Household furniture
05113 Lighting equipment
05119 Other furniture and furnishings
05201 Furnishing fabrics and curtains
05202 Bed linen
05203 Table linen and bathroom linen
05311 Refrigerators, freezers and fridge-freezers
05312 Clothes washing machines, clothes drying machines and dish washing machines
05313 Cookers
05314 Heaters, air conditioners
05315 Cleaning equipment
05321 Food processing appliances
05322 Coffee machines, tea makers and similar appliances
05330 Repair of household appliances
05401 Glassware, crystal-ware, ceramic ware and chinaware
05403 Non-electric kitchen utensils and articles
05521 Non-motorized small tools
05522 Miscellaneous small tool accessories
05611 Cleaning and maintenance products
05612 Other non-durable small household articles
05621 Domestic services by paid staff
06110 Pharmaceutical products
06129 Other medical products n.e.c.
06131 Corrective eye-glasses and contact lenses
06132 Hearing aids
06139 Other therapeutic appliances and equipment
06212 Specialist practice
06220 Dental services
06239 Other paramedical services
06300 Hospital services
07111 New motor cars
07112 Second-hand motor cars
07120 Motor cycles
07130 Bicycles
07211 Tyres
07212 Spare parts for personal transport equipment
07213 Accessories for personal transport equipment
07221 Diesel
07222 Petrol
07230 Maintenance and repair of personal transport equipment
07241 Hire of garages, parking spaces and personal transport equipment
07242 Toll facilities and parking meters
07243 Driving schools, tests, licenses and road worthiness tests (ITV)
07311 Passenger transport by train
07312 Passenger transport by underground and tram
07321 Passenger transport by bus and coach
07322 Passenger transport by taxi and hired car with driver
07331 Domestic flights
07332 International flights
07341 Passenger transport by sea
07350 Combined passenger transport
08202 Mobile telephone equipment
08301 Wired telephone services
08302 Wireless telephone services
08304 Bundled telecommunication services
09112 Equipment for the reception, recording and reproduction of sound and vision
09119 Other equipment for the reception, recording and reproduction of sound and picture
09131 Personal computers
09141 Pre-recorded recording media
09311 Games and hobbies
09312 Toys and celebration articles
09321 Equipment for sport
09332 Plants and flowers
09342 Products for pets
09350 Veterinary and other services for pets
09411 Recreational and sporting services - Attendance
09412 Recreational and sporting services: participants
09421 Cinemas, theatres, concerts
09422 Museums, libraries, zoological gardens
09423 Television and radio licence fees, subscriptions
09425 Photographic services
09430 Games of chance
09511 Fiction books
09512 Educational text books
09513 Other non-fiction books
09521 Newspapers
09541 Paper products
09549 Other stationery and drawing materials
09601 Package domestic holidays
09602 Package international holidays
10101 Pre-primary Education
10102 Primary Education
10200 Secondary Education
10400 Higher Education
10500 Education not definable by level
11111 Restaurants, cafés and dancing establishments
11112 Fast food and take away food services
11120 Canteens
11201 Hotels, motels, inns and similar accommodation services
11202 Holiday centres, camping sites, youth hostels and similar accommodation services
11203 Accommodation services of other establishments
12111 Hairdressing for men and children
12112 Hairdressing for women
12113 Personal grooming treatments
12121 Electric appliances for personal care
12131 Non-electrical appliances
12132 Articles for personal hygiene and wellness, esoteric products and beauty products
12311 Jewellery
12312 Clocks and watches
12321 Travel goods
12322 Articles for babies
12329 Other personal effects n.e.c.
12402 Retirement homes for elderly persons and residences for disabled persons
12403 Services to maintain people in their private homes
12532 Private health insurance
12541 Motor vehicle insurance
12550 Other insurance
12621 Charges by banks and post offices
12701 Administrative fees
12702 Legal services and accountancy
12703 Funeral services
12704 Other fees and services
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