National results Households

Family dwellings whose reference person is unemployed, according to whether or not they receive income and the number members receiving income that live with said person

Units:Thousands Dwelling
  • Select values to consult
    • Selected:6
    • Selected:1
    • Selected:1
  • Choose format of the table
      • Depending on whether or not the reference person receives income
      • Period
      • Tasas anual y de la media de la cifra de negocios
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  • Notes ( 2 )
    • Wage earners are considered to be those persons that have stated to have a job, to receive a retirement or other type pension or to receive unemployment compensation (whether they are registered as jobseekers or not)
    • Inactive persons who do not mention any inactivity situation and state being searching for a job are included in the "Other situation" category of the main inactivity and in the "Without secondary inactivity class" category in the secondary one
Total: 0seriesy 0cells